[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] [QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]
he is a wannabe baad ass have you ever played MGS 1 ? :lol: so many corny lines.sSubZerOo
What games didn't have some corny lines in them back then? Is it entirely fair to compare them to the standards today, where we expect dialogue and character to sometimes rival motion pictures?
he is a wannabe baad ass have you ever played MGS 1 ? :lol: so many corny lines.sSubZerOo
What games didn't have some corny lines in them back then? Is it entirely fair to compare them to the standards today, where we expect dialogue and character to sometimes rival motion pictures?
Its not exceptable when you have the main prtaganist o f your game asking ridicuolous questions like "your that ninja" like he's some sort of oblivious idiot. Yet again though, what character didn't do that? Remember those were the days of the corny LIVE action cut scenes... Game characters were a bit corny with a few exceptions.. It is clear that compared from what I have seen in MGS4 ( I don't own a PS3 nor played game only watched a friend play it).. Snake is matured like just about every character to the time..
Joanna dark from perfect dark wasnt a cheesy one liner action hero. Why are you setting the standards so low :?duke nukem was the benchmark for chessy action stars vut his game didnt take itself so seriously like MGS. so it was alright
And :lol: at your ignorant knowledge of the charcter of MC
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