Let's ignore that a 40fps difference in frame rate on the same GPU is normal to you, without one of the cards being highly defective. Let us also ignore that another poster, and Nvidia's own benchmark figures, take issue with their claimed figures. Both Nvidia and myself must just be really unlucky with our hardware.
Yes, my arguments are reality, they are factual. This is something you seemed to have difficulty grasping yesterday, when you argued a "wait and see" approach on something that is a technical impossibility. Believe it or not, some of us actually use facts from time to time, instead of flailing at each other with opinions all day.
I don't need a crystal ball, I don't need to play the game. Consoles aren't about to defy the rules of reality any time soon.
You need not ignore anything, you are welcome to disagree or agree with whatever your mind tells you as so. I run the game with flying colors, I am not shocked to see others as well do the same. Mitu made a comment, and you lashed out at him for that comment--if anything, that was just unnecessary.
With yesterday--and today mind you--I think it's inherently silly to already make declarations (and then bash the game because of it) on a game you haven't played based quarely on a multiplayer demo for a singlepayer centric game. I also think it's rather silly to come into an argument making absolutes in a field in which you are most definitely not an expert in--unless, you are a game designer here?
Flailing about? I pevious statement continues to remain ever true--tis' not a one way street.
Of course you don't need one, you already have one silly. :)
What you don't seem to understand is why crysis was and still is impossible on consoles. Crysis Loaded the ENTIRE level onto the ram at once, thus requiring vast amounts of ram which the consoles simply do not have. This allowed for Interactivity on an unprecedented scale. For example in the first level you could easily blow up a barrell on the other side of the bay and make those enemy units send flairs up giving you plenty of gameplay options. Crysis 2 uses cell streaming which is perfect for consoles as it is suited to small amounts of fast ram. This however deminishes long range interactivity due to the fact that if you see something which is located beyond the loaded cells it is impossible to interact with. This is why Crysis is absolutely impossible on consoles and why most PC gamers are annoyed.
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