Welcome to business my friend, you want the newest clothes, the newest car, the newest house. You pay more. You can buy the same call 8 months later for a reduced price. Clothes will be a cleareance rack in few months. If you want something when it comes out you pay more.
Seriously Johnny, how do you not get this? When have you ever seen any game start at $20 and grow to $60 a year later? When have you ever seen any product start cheap and become more expensive over time?
Sure late buyers get better deals, but they had to wait to pay less for more. People who paid more get the enjoyment sooner. Those are the trade offs. What's there to complain about?
I get price drops if it was just the original game. What annoys me is companies releasing games with all the DLC on disc for such a cheap price. I mean we have to pay alot more and end up with half the game as digital content....
:| :| :|
yeah, and like it's been said a dozen times already, you get the better deal, but you have to wait to get it...
It's your choice whether you want to wait or enjoy the new game right away. WHY is this so hard to digest??

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