[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"][QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"] You see this is something I dont get, and something that is quite common. For instance, there are many times you see on a talk show some movie star talking about how they got addicted to cocaine or some such drug and then how they beat their addiction. Or some guy who got obese and then lost all that weight and what a hero he is. Its like people want to be applauded for acting right. How about the guy who stayed away from drugs his whole life? Why not interview him? Or the guy who exercised his whole life and stayed fit? I dont think we should be applauding people for messing up and then trying to rectify it when the crap hits the fan. Sure, we should acknowledge that they eventually made a change for the better, but in my books, I have more respect for the guy who never messed up in the first place. So no, MS does not deserve any "credit" for doing what they should have done in the first place. Although I will agree that the constant bashing even after the reversals is excessive and uncalled for.II_Seraphim_II
They do interview actors who didn't have addictions? People who didn't get obese, like models? People who excercised their whole lives, like football players or atheletes? I think you're overthinking your metaphors.Do they interview the actor BECAUSE he has never been an addict? NO. Its because he released a new movie. Do they interview a model because she was never obese? NO. Its usually because she is staring in some new marketting scheme or she just beat anorexia. Do they interview football players or athletes because they live a healthy life? NO. That may come up during the interview, but its usually because they have a match coming up, or they did very well in a previous match. So no, I dont believe Im over thinking anything. There have been articles and interviews over someone messing up and then rectifying their live as the MAIN TOPIC. Unless you are reading a health magazine, you wont find many stories about people just doing what they are supposed to, and even when u do find it, the interview/article was about something completely different and they just happened to bring that up as some background info.
I hate to make a mountain of a molehill but :P
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