[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"] You see this is something I dont get, and something that is quite common. For instance, there are many times you see on a talk show some movie star talking about how they got addicted to cocaine or some such drug and then how they beat their addiction. Or some guy who got obese and then lost all that weight and what a hero he is. Its like people want to be applauded for acting right. How about the guy who stayed away from drugs his whole life? Why not interview him? Or the guy who exercised his whole life and stayed fit? I dont think we should be applauding people for messing up and then trying to rectify it when the crap hits the fan. Sure, we should acknowledge that they eventually made a change for the better, but in my books, I have more respect for the guy who never messed up in the first place. So no, MS does not deserve any "credit" for doing what they should have done in the first place. Although I will agree that the constant bashing even after the reversals is excessive and uncalled for.Zaibach
I don't even understand how that is even a question. Redemption is always far more intriguing to people than someone who has basically never taken a wrong turn in their life. have you ever been around addicted people? That's some horrifying shit right there.
Look at Robert Downy jr. That dude was as low as you can get, but he realized his mistakes and got his shit together. Look at him now. He's one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. That takes a lot of strength and is very impressive. There are many people that don't make it back from that.
doing the wrong thing is easy, doing the right thing is hard. Basic facts of life, while redemption may make for a great movie of the week, it takes great strength to stay on the straight and narrow. Fvcking up and redeeming yourself is not a cause of applause, this is what has been entrenched in our entitled instant gratification society.
Then why is everyone applauding the PS4. Sony completely F$%^ UP with the PS3 and now they are redeeming themselves with the PS4. Cows are applauding them like a mother@#$%^&.!! I await your damage control for an answer.
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