The PS3 has an install base of 21 million. Then, why do PS3 games sell poorly? MGS4 was one that sold well compared to others, and is on its way to 2 million in the US. The first PS3 games sold very poorly, and the games even last holiday didn't sell too well. The games get outstanding critic ratings as well, for the most part. So, why aren't the PS3 games selling? They have 21 million users, but can't even break a million game sales of a specific game in the US?
It's because the market of PS3 owners is way to spread out nobody can really publish a game that will appeal to a broadbase of ps3 owners.
Here's the base, and an estimated breakdown of ps3 owners.
Blu-ray film fans: A fairly small group, but still you'll probably never sell a game to this group no mater what you do.
Crabs: Sony's obsesive fans that will buy any system sony makes. Many only focus on games that Sony publishes, or sequals for past generations.
Multi-platform owners: Own a 360, gameing pc, wii or some combination. You'll rarely sell anthing outside of an exclusive to this group since they tend to like interactions on the other platforms better. Also games need to be strictly targeted to their favorite types of games.
New/casual gamers: Very small group due to high price, and they only tend to buy randomly or only very big titles (like GTAIV).
Now the bull**** numbers breakdown:
%of ps3 owners estimated games bought over system lifetime
blu-ray fans: 10% 0-5
crabs: 25% 20-40
MPO: 45% 10-30
NEW: 25% 5-20
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