Framerate drops in a Souls game. Fucking lol.
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Framerate drops in a Souls game. Fucking lol.
I'm out.
This is only the X1 version.
with the higher draw distance, higher res textures, improved lighting, and really detailed environments, this doesn't particularly surprise me. people were shocked that bloodborne was running at 30 fps on PS4 but i think it was a given considering the obvious strain that game and its large, detailed environments must have placed on the PS4's weak CPU. it's the same story for dark souls 3, which is a step up graphically from bloodborne
Cant you come up with anything better, your jokes aren't even funny. We all know that uncharted look like a last gen game.
Amazing! Incredible!
SONY has designed an incredibly fast, strong and balanced SoC that's unrivaled by any high-end gaming PC gear. I am amazed daily by how SONY pulled it off. It's unbelievable! Genius, I say!
The PS4 SoC is worth hundreds of billions of dollars in R&D and I have no doubt that it will be shown in a history museum centuries from now depicting the start of a computing revolution.
lol a 400$ PC will get the same performance or better on multiplats
lol another butthurt hermit who spent thousands of dollars finetuning his PC and is in denial after seeing the PS4's power. Uncharted 4 probably had you shitting bricks.
Pretty dumb to have it at 900p.when it suffer big frame drops on a game like this. Might as well gone for 720p for at least a stable 30fps or more. :P
Well all the Souls games run like poop on the consoles, so any self-respecting gamer is planning to get it on PC anyways.
@beardmad: didn't the first 2 do poorly before dsfix? You still see horrible frame drops on the first one even after the mod. Mainly cux it was a bad port since it was their first time on PC.
whats there to talk about? and why is that so important? how about people just play the games and quit crying like over privileged school girls
By this point aren't we beating a dead horse? Yes, the XONE isn't as powerful, can we move on now?
Nah... some people on here have sad lives and live for this sh**.
Anyway, sounds like a poorly optimized game to me. Yes the XB1 isn't as powerful, but other games seem to run perfectly fine at higher resolution and framerates than this. But anyway, if it makes some people feel "superior" because their chosen machine runs a game "better" than the machine that other people own, good for them I guess. You have a pretty sad life but if that makes you happy.
@GoldenElementXL: Blame the devs. DS2 was 1080P 60fps on both systems.
@PSP107: DS3 is running on the Bloodborne engine so this is how Bloodborne may have run on the Xbox One. The PS4 ran the engine at 1080p and shitty frame rates while the Xbox One is a little shittier and 900p. Pretty much what we see with 95% of multiplats this gen.
I'm pretty sure it was ported from the PS4. From Software doesn't make any games from the ground up on the XB1. We will never know how that engine would really run if they made a game specifically for the XB1 using Win10/DX12 and all the tools Microsoft provides. I'll probas. bly pass on DS3 though. I never finished the first two games anyway.
@blackace: are you seriously comparing DkS2 visuals (which were based on the DkS1 engine) to DkS3 (based on a significantly more detailed BB engine)? Bruh, what are you doing, bruh!?
@GoldenElementXL: community filled with people that played demon souls ? And even other similar style games from ps2 era ? No. Playstation is where youll play with the ppl most deeply rooted with the game and genre
@mjorh:Funny enough, i'm not sold on either for now.
I'm tired of Souls game now and i don't think my laptop will play QB verry well.
But i know i'll play both sometime in the future.
Actually, this would be my first time playing a Souls game so i'm excited !
I'm optimistic that both will do well.
@PSP107: DS3 is running on the Bloodborne engine so this is how Bloodborne may have run on the Xbox One. The PS4 ran the engine at 1080p and shitty frame rates while the Xbox One is a little shittier and 900p. Pretty much what we see with 95% of multiplats this gen.
Actually, Bloodborne performed pretty good at 30fps ( with framepacing issue and some drops ) multiplayer was the problem.
Can we also talk about why a game that is fast paced, reliant on specific timings and is running on only 30fps
It isn't exactly a looker either, so why not sacrifice resolution/some settings for higher frame rate -> better gameplay?
I'm pretty sure it was ported from the PS4. From Software doesn't make any games from the ground up on the XB1. We will never know how that engine would really run if they made a game specifically for the XB1 using Win10/DX12 and all the tools Microsoft provides. I'll probas. bly pass on DS3 though. I never finished the first two games anyway.
Bloodborne engine is more advanced that DkS2 engine which is based od DkS1 engine. DkS3 is based on Bloodborne engine.
Whats the difference between this and Bloodbourne?
Bloodborne actually kept a steady 30fps for most part(multiplayer and Old Yarhnam had some obvious slowdown). Bloodborne had framepacing issue(DS III has it too) that made the framerate seem worse than it actually is. From has technical immunity just like Bethesda though so if you want to play their games on console just deal with it.
back in 2013: "every Xbox One game will be running in 1080p couple of years from now". In 2016 the console has trouble with a Souls game, a series known to look very outdated.
You thought it was possible to optimize a potato which was mainly created to stream movies and play your yearly Call of Dooty?
Naaaaah! Read the first post here : It seems a lot more games are hitting the 1080p/30 threshold on the Xbox One as of late, I'm sure the new SDK's and DirectX 12
Because its a dead horse. It is not as strong as the PS4. That's known. The PS4 is not a monstrous beast of power in its own right, its just the strongest 8 year old on the block. Big fucking deal. I play games
lol I think we should make a thread every time the PC performs better than the PS4 on a multiplat. They sure like to do it the other way around.
lol a 400$ PC will get the same performance or better on multiplats
You should have been tipped off when he said the R&D for the chip costed hundreds of billions of dollars. Sony never had that much money in its entire history.
If it were any other company, the R&D would have exceeded $100 billion. Microsoft had to spend $10-15 billion on the Xbone R&D and it's far weaker than the PS4 while being far more expensive.
The PS4 SoC is a lot cheaper to manufacture than the Xbone SoC, it has no major bottlenecks, and it is much stronger. It would cost about $350 billion in R&D if any other company designed it. The PS4 SoC is perfection.
LOL this guy...
I know right XD
@HalcyonScarlet: Some of them live in fantasy land where uncharted 4 looks better than anything PC can accomplish
The xbone is weaker than the ps4 this is to be expected. Do we need a 50 page thread every time what we already know shows in multiplats?
Well, seeing how the game is, it's going to be nice.
Fair warning, lots of call back to Dark Souls 1.
Yeah, the first one had a bad port so i didn't play it, when the second one came out i was busy playing some other games, now i have the opportunity to delve into this.
Actually, i'm playing it mainly for the gameplay , but i might read the story of the previous two, do you suggest that i do?
The xbone is weaker than the ps4 this is to be expected. Do we need a 50 page thread every time what we already know shows in multiplats?
Yes we do. How's that DX12 doing for the Bone? Is the console super charged yet?
Be happy with your choice. Don't worry about other people's choice. PS4 vs Xbox vs PC. It's all about preference. Nice that we have choices. Why must people have their choice validated. I'll say it with this game as well as Quantum Break. Wait until it's out. The previews could be all hype. Final product may not look the same. Don't be too quick to judge games until the final product comes out. The only reason I posted about Quantum Break was to give people a heads up.
I'm looking forward to a comparison video, hopefully later today, to see what the difference really is between the two versions.
I'm also looking forward to a report on DS1 running on Xbox One, I've heard it's a step up from the 360 version with loading times, but not sure about frame rate.
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