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Or maybe just maybe they don't find the game that fun :o That's the case for me at least.there are many reasons why some people are biased against KZ2 and/or KZ3
- they cant appreciate grit and rawness. thats why they childishly call it "greyzone"
- they dont like having guns with actual weight and kickback.
- they feel obliged to hate on it, because they have aligned themselves with the xbox and/or its poster-boy series, "halo." this is a common fanboy convention to hate on games from other platorms. this also applies to some PC gamers.
- they probably got their ***es handed to them when playing through KZ2's campaign or multiplayer
- they didnt like the first game and have permanently closed their minds to the series.
- its not as mainstream as other games. thus, it doesnt sell as much. and thus it doesnt receive as favorable reviews. Reviews these days are more about marketing and less about the games themselves.
- they havent played it
1) how many other sci fi FPS games are there these days where you are at war with other humans/humanoids? not many.
2) how many other FPS games have the grit and extremely harsh environments that killzone 2 and 3 have? not many.
3) how many sci fi FPS are there where you hardly use any energy weapons?
4) how many sci fi FPS games are there where you are invading an enemy planet, not the other way around?
5) the "helghast" are one of the most unique factions to really come into their own this gen.
6) the size and scope of the conflict in the KZ2 and KZ3 vastly outweigh pretty much anything else on the market right now.
7) KZ2 was one of the first FPS games this gen to really capitalize on a cover system
8 ) the villains of the killzone games are some of the most memorable ever. Malcolm Mcdowell steals the show in KZ3.
9) KZ3's jetpacks are different than pretty much any jetpack in FPS game history.
KZ3 brings lots of its own things to the table and when you blend it all together, its one of the most unique series this gen.
its certainly more original than halo or crysis. whether or not you like those series, you have to admit that their concepts and styles are contrived and cliche as hell.
You should play other games besides the ones Sony releases. You know, many of those points reek of denial and damage control.
Especially point 6, that really makes me think that not only you don't play anything other than PS3 games but that you aren't even in the slightest informed about non-PS3 games.
lol he is obviously being sarcastic
No he's not.[QUOTE="N30F3N1X"]
You should play other games besides the ones Sony releases. You know, many of those points reek of denial and damage control.
Especially point 6, that really makes me think that not only you don't play anything other than PS3 games but that you aren't even in the slightest informed about non-PS3 games.
lol he is obviously being sarcastic
No he's not. arbitor365 is actually correct. Don't use the stupid excuse saying "this fps borrows many elements from the others"... It's true for all games especially fps. Lol. It's just bunch of haters that can't accept how great killzone is. First kz is understandable however.[QUOTE="digiramm"]
Killzone exists because Sony wanted to capitalize on the current popularity of FPS. The game is uninspired and derivative.
Bingo.. there's no originality in it. I'm saying this as a ps3 owner that own KZ3. The game borrows things from so many other games, and has no real identity of it's own.
lol , it sorta has to borrow, from other FPS as its an FPS and a great one at that. But what does originality has to do with popularity? Just look at COD and battlefield, hardly original.
Bro, I could list a bunch of stuff COD and BF brought to the table.
COD: Custom class slots, tight controls, Killstreaks,
BF: Large battlefields, vehicular combat, adjustments when shooting sniper rifle.
Halo: pretty much revolutionized how fps's should be played on consoles.
KZ: Sony trying to cap on the popularity of FPS's. Brings thing new to the table. The game plays like COD, but more sluggish...why would I bother.
Because its all flash and no substance. Most sony games focus too much on presentation and not enough on gameplay. 360 games are the opposite.Miketheman83Coming from a guy with a Gears avatar...
there are many reasons why some people are biased against KZ2 and/or KZ3
- they cant appreciate grit and rawness. thats why they childishly call it "greyzone"
too grey in fact, might as well call it "no color" zone
- they dont like having guns with actual weight and kickback.
too much in fact, its hard to hit targets more than a few metres ahead of you
- they feel obliged to hate on it, because they have aligned themselves with the xbox and/or its poster-boy series, "halo." this is a common fanboy convention to hate on games from other platorms. this also applies to some PC gamers.
lol, putting halo and or xbox as a scapegoat doesnt help you
- they probably got their ***es handed to them when playing through KZ2's campaign or multiplayer
i beat kz2 campaign on hardest in like 2 days
- they didnt like the first game and have permanently closed their minds to the series.
i played kz2 before kz1
- its not as mainstream as other games. thus, it doesnt sell as much. and thus it doesnt receive as favorable reviews. Reviews these days are more about marketing and less about the games themselves.
lol "mainstream", if you look at the library that i play(puzzles,indies) killzone is comparable to cod
- they havent played it
i have. and i hate it
Maybe because it is a PS3 exclusive and a lot of FPS fans live on the Xbox 360? Oh and Call of Duty is multiplatform.
Pretty much this. As far as I'm concerned, Resistance and Uncharted are the only shooters they actually need. Let Killzone die.Killzone exists because Sony wanted to capitalize on the current popularity of FPS. The game is uninspired and derivative.
It gets plenty of attention, more than it deserves. I guess it doesn't get as much attention as Halo or Gears because those are 360 games, and the 360 is generally more popular in the U.S.
Why doesn't the Tales series get as much attention as Killzone or Halo? Because they're stupid Japanese games and Americans hate stupid Japanese games. Amirite?
[spoiler] /sarcasm. I'm just trolling. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="HailedJohnDman"][QUOTE="sethman410"] I dont care if you have it. All those responses prove your ignorant.sethman410
Hah, talk about hypocrisy, the fact that you cant accept that killzone is not a perfect game annoys you says alot.
That's the silliest response I have ever heard! Since when did I call it perfect?!?! Lol. Your just ignorant and that response proves it more.uhmm lol?? so now that we pretty much accepted the fact that killzone is not perfect we can then pretty much assume that not everyone will like it , ITS NOT PERFECT, therefore not everyone will like it, why cant you just accept it? killzone as a series is on the verge of being overrated with its bland characters and uninteresting story( god i hate rico, why is he still alive?) with a stereotypical sci fi plot, the only real thing it has going is graphics.
Further Denial shall allude to your ignorance and hypocrisy
Came into this thread expecting mindless killzone bashing and large amounts of ignorance and terrible opinion being presented. The thread delivered. Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield are actually well established IPs. There can only be so many shooters in the market that people will clinge to, even if your shooter is the best looking FPS on any console hands down. That's simply not enough. You have to be nearly perfect in everything and have good marketing to even stand a chance to be highly success in the indsutry if your game is FPS. Still, even with all that, you're not touching Halo or CoD.
Heck if I know. Its one of the better shooters out there, but isn't as good as Battlefield, CS, ect. Definitely better than Gears, Halo, and CoD. It also doesn't have the bro/mainstream appeal of Halo and CoD, which is why those games sell well.
Came into this thread expecting mindless killzone bashing and large amounts of ignorance and terrible opinion being presented. The thread delivered. Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield are actually well established IPs. There can only be so many shooters in the market that people will clinge to, even if your shooter is the best looking FPS on any console hands down. That's simply not enough. You have to be nearly perfect in everything and have good marketing to even stand a chance to be highly success in the indsutry if your game is FPS. Still, even with all that, you're not touching Halo or CoD.
LOL opinion C2 says hi, there are plenty of people in this very thread with KZ in there player card , and they have said it all. It's really nothing special as compared other FPS on the market.
Lol cod invented tight controls and battlefield invented vehicles and sniper zoom. Now i've heard it all. Killzone plays NOTHING like cod. try again.Bro, I could list a bunch of stuff COD and BF brought to the table.
COD: Custom class slots, tight controls, Killstreaks,
BF: Large battlefields, vehicular combat, adjustments when shooting sniper rifle.
Halo: pretty much revolutionized how fps's should be played on consoles.
KZ: Sony trying to cap on the popularity of FPS's. Brings thing new to the table. The game plays like COD, but more sluggish...why would I bother.
Came into this thread expecting mindless killzone bashing and large amounts of ignorance and terrible opinion being presented. The thread delivered. Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield are actually well established IPs. There can only be so many shooters in the market that people will clinge to, even if your shooter is the best looking FPS on any console hands down. That's simply not enough. You have to be nearly perfect in everything and have good marketing to even stand a chance to be highly success in the indsutry if your game is FPS. Still, even with all that, you're not touching Halo or CoD.
LOL opinion C2 says hi, there are plenty of people in this very thread with KZ in there player card , and they have said it all. It's really nothing special as compared other FPS on the market.
Visually it's at the top. Sound design wise, it's great (Bad COmpany 2 is still a little better). Gun play wise it's up there (and KZ3 made it more accessible). Also, the killing and new melee system in this game insane. Those are the areas where Killzone 3 where stands out. Some people say there's nothing special about it, but I can't find any other FPS (single/mutliplayer) on the console market that has killing and animations as satisfying as Killzone 3. If you play the campaign of Killzone 3 and then play another shooter, then you'll know and agree. Btw, even if Killzone did have something special about it, I guarantee that it would not automatically grant it success resulting in 5 million + sales.Heck if I know. Its one of the better shooters out there, but isn't as good as Battlefield, CS, ect. Definitely better than Gears, Halo, and CoD. It also doesn't have the bro/mainstream appeal of Halo and CoD, which is why those games sell well.
Your hate of console shooters is strong, my friend. :P
tbh, i really didn't understand why the media were praising KZ2 when it first launched. I really felt it was generic back then. however, having ps3 fans turn on KZ franchise lately is somehow surprising to me. Mystery_Writer
Because it was different. Visually it was stunning and looked better than all the console FPSs at the time. It felt different in its controls and it was a game where you actually had to practice learning how to shoot and master it. It made other fast twitch shooters feel very arcady. The slowness gave it a realistic feel that no other game really provided (yeah, I know there was input lag, but still it was definitely more realistic). The killing was more brutal than most FPSs. The multiplayer was great, taking certain great aspects of other games like BF2 and TF2 and made a unique mode where your objectives change in game.
You know the more stuff I list, the more I realize that many of you probably haven't even touched Killzone 2, lol (otherwise I wouldn't have to be explaining any of this). It's not really hard to gather what makes it stand out. It's like a lot of you are standing from the outside and judging it as a generic dark sci fi shooter with controls that aren't as tight as CoD. The game wasn't praised for it's story, weaponry, or characters. If anything, that was the generic part about that game.
Came into this thread expecting mindless killzone bashing and large amounts of ignorance and terrible opinion being presented. The thread delivered. Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield are actually well established IPs. There can only be so many shooters in the market that people will clinge to, even if your shooter is the best looking FPS on any console hands down. That's simply not enough. You have to be nearly perfect in everything and have good marketing to even stand a chance to be highly success in the indsutry if your game is FPS. Still, even with all that, you're not touching Halo or CoD.
LOL opinion C2 says hi, there are plenty of people in this very thread with KZ in there player card , and they have said it all. It's really nothing special as compared other FPS on the market.
Visually it's at the top. Sound design wise, it's great (Bad COmpany 2 is still a little better). Gun play wise it's up there (and KZ3 made it more accessible). Also, the killing and new melee system in this game insane. Those are the areas where Killzone 3 where stands out. Some people say there's nothing special about it, but I can't find any other FPS (single/mutliplayer) on the console market that has killing and animations as satisfying as Killzone 3. If you play the campaign of Killzone 3 and then play another shooter, then you'll know and agree. Btw, even if Killzone did have something special about it, I guarantee that it would not automatically grant it success resulting in 5 million + sales.Again "visually at the top" is your opinion, this isn't 5 months ago when it was a given KZ was the best. My opinion is C2 looks better and enough agree with me that it is now down to opinion.
And it's selling at a lower rate then KZ2 did which tells me alot the of KZ2 buyers didn't find it worthy enough to purchase the next installment.
Heck if I know. Its one of the better shooters out there, but isn't as good as Battlefield, CS, ect. Definitely better than Gears, Halo, and CoD. It also doesn't have the bro/mainstream appeal of Halo and CoD, which is why those games sell well.
Your hate of console shooters is strong, my friend. :P
Oh I don't hate Gears. I preordered 3 about 2 weeks ago. It looks fantastic but KZ is my favorite console shooter. Might be UC2 since I finally decided to play through it (Not sure if imma keep it or trade in towards UC3) but man I don't know why I put it playing it for so long.
And Halo/CoD are multiplat shooters :P
Visually it's at the top. Sound design wise, it's great (Bad COmpany 2 is still a little better). Gun play wise it's up there (and KZ3 made it more accessible). Also, the killing and new melee system in this game insane. Those are the areas where Killzone 3 where stands out. Some people say there's nothing special about it, but I can't find any other FPS (single/mutliplayer) on the console market that has killing and animations as satisfying as Killzone 3. If you play the campaign of Killzone 3 and then play another shooter, then you'll know and agree. Btw, even if Killzone did have something special about it, I guarantee that it would not automatically grant it success resulting in 5 million + sales.[QUOTE="mD-"]
LOL opinion C2 says hi, there are plenty of people in this very thread with KZ in there player card , and they have said it all. It's really nothing special as compared other FPS on the market.
Again "visually at the top" is your opinion, this isn't 5 months ago when it was a given KZ was the best. My opinion is C2 looks better and enough agree with me that it is now down to opinion.
And it's selling at a lower rate then KZ2 did which tells me alot the of KZ2 buyers didn't find it worthy enough to purchase the next installment.
I'm basically saying here that it's one of the best looking console games. I don't even know what I consider the best and I don't care. I'm just making the point that when someone sees a game like this in motion, they will think, "that's a damn good looking game, probably one of the best graphics I've seen on the PS3/Xbox 360"
About the selling rate: I don't why people on these forums tend make basic judgements and make assumptions that they infer are correct when there are tons of factors that go into the sales of a game. Did you ever take into consideration one game that will probably effect the sales of other games, especially shooters? I'll give you a clue: the first word is Call.
Killzone 2 was released at a time where it was receiving tons of hype because of how the game looked. Hype and anticipation tends draw in large preorder sales which I'm guessing is the reason that Killzone 2 had a better opening than Killzone 3 along with the flood of other great shooters like Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty games (for when Killzone 3 is released).
We've already seen the launch of Crysis 2. Just continue to monitor its sales and the sales of all the other shooters released this year, not including Battlefield 3 (already an established IP) and CoD (established IP).
[QUOTE="Ultra_Combo"][QUOTE="mD-"] Visually it's at the top. Sound design wise, it's great (Bad COmpany 2 is still a little better). Gun play wise it's up there (and KZ3 made it more accessible). Also, the killing and new melee system in this game insane. Those are the areas where Killzone 3 where stands out. Some people say there's nothing special about it, but I can't find any other FPS (single/mutliplayer) on the console market that has killing and animations as satisfying as Killzone 3. If you play the campaign of Killzone 3 and then play another shooter, then you'll know and agree. Btw, even if Killzone did have something special about it, I guarantee that it would not automatically grant it success resulting in 5 million + sales.
Again "visually at the top" is your opinion, this isn't 5 months ago when it was a given KZ was the best. My opinion is C2 looks better and enough agree with me that it is now down to opinion.
And it's selling at a lower rate then KZ2 did which tells me alot the of KZ2 buyers didn't find it worthy enough to purchase the next installment.
I'm basically saying here that it's one of the best looking console games. I don't even know what I consider the best and I don't care. I'm just making the point that when someone sees a game like this in motion, they will think, "that's a damn good looking game, probably one of the best graphics I've seen on the PS3/Xbox 360"You missed the other part of my post
And it's selling at a lower rate then KZ2 did which tells me alot the of KZ2 buyers didn't find it worthy enough to purchase the next installment.
any thoughts?
Heck if I know. Its one of the better shooters out there, but isn't as good as Battlefield, CS, ect. Definitely better than Gears, Halo, and CoD. It also doesn't have the bro/mainstream appeal of Halo and CoD, which is why those games sell well.
Your hate of console shooters is strong, my friend. :P
Oh I don't hate Gears. I preordered 3 about 2 weeks ago. It looks fantastic but KZ is my favorite console shooter. Might be UC2 since I finally decided to play through it (Not sure if imma keep it or trade in towards UC3) but man I don't know why I put it playing it for so long.
And Halo/CoD are multiplat shooters :P
Well, your hatred of Halo and Call of Duty (though this one is actually justified) is strong. I've given up on us every agreeing on Halo. :P I like Gears, though. Well, except for Gears 2. I hated that game. On topic, I think Killzone's lack of recognition stems from a few things. 1. The shooter market is crowded, and is not kind to new IPs. 2. To make your new IP stand out, it needs to be amazing off the bat. The original game did not do this. 3. It's an exclusive to a system that does not have the focus on shooters that say, the 360 or PC does. 4. Comparing it to Halo or Call of Duty is silly. Those series are phenomenons. They became ingrained into pop culture. They aren't just video games anymore. KZ is. It's not a fair comparison. A better comparison would be with the likes of Resistance, Bulletstorm, or any other successful, but not iconic, series.I'm basically saying here that it's one of the best looking console games. I don't even know what I consider the best and I don't care. I'm just making the point that when someone sees a game like this in motion, they will think, "that's a damn good looking game, probably one of the best graphics I've seen on the PS3/Xbox 360"[QUOTE="mD-"][QUOTE="Ultra_Combo"]
Again "visually at the top" is your opinion, this isn't 5 months ago when it was a given KZ was the best. My opinion is C2 looks better and enough agree with me that it is now down to opinion.
And it's selling at a lower rate then KZ2 did which tells me alot the of KZ2 buyers didn't find it worthy enough to purchase the next installment.
You missed the other part of my post
And it's selling at a lower rate then KZ2 did which tells me alot the of KZ2 buyers didn't find it worthy enough to purchase the next installment.
any thoughts?
I added to my post.Because looks aren't everything.Halo, COD, Borderlands, Battlefield, and Gears have been spotlighted by gamers and non gameing media alike. I have never played a KZ game but it looks awesome, but for some reason it never reaches that level of success or aknowledgement.
coorrect me if i'm missing something.
Well, your hatred of Halo and Call of Duty (though this one is actually justified) is strong. I've given up on us every agreeing on Halo. :P I like Gears, though. Well, except for Gears 2. I hated that game. On topic, I think Killzone's lack of recognition stems from a few things. 1. The shooter market is crowded, and is not kind to new IPs. 2. To make your new IP stand out, it needs to be amazing off the bat. The original game did not do this. 3. It's an exclusive to a system that does not have the focus on shooters that say, the 360 or PC does. 4. Comparing it to Halo or Call of Duty is silly. Those series are phenomenons. They became ingrained into pop culture. They aren't just video games anymore. KZ is. It's not a fair comparison. A better comparison would be with the likes of Resistance, Bulletstorm, or any other successful, but not iconic, series.DarkLink77
There hasn't been a single Halo game I could call even good, they've all been crap to me. Reach was just massively disappointing.
I can actually enjoy Black Ops. Doesn't deserve a 9 but its still a good game imo. The only enjoyable CoD.
I actually played the first KZ a few times. The online was amazingly fun. Too bad others didn't have that much fun with it. They should bring it to PC! I'm fine with it being underrated/not as popular as CoD/Halo. That way it can stay quality and not be the Justin Biebers of video games.
maybe b/c the 360 pad sucks for fps games.alberth123123
And sadly ruined by the horrible input lag they purposely added seriously wtf was guerrilla thinking when they added it did they sit down and say how can we make the console fps experience worse analog sticks for aiming check, 30fps check, Adding a bunch of input lag check.because it isn't consistent.
killzone 2 is the only great game in the series.
KZ2 had awful controls and i never gave 3 a chance because i know a talentless developer when i see itUtensilman
Talentless? Really? Did you not see the tech behind KZ2 and 3? It's amazing!
[QUOTE="Utensilman"]KZ2 had awful controls and i never gave 3 a chance because i know a talentless developer when i see itOB-47
Talentless? Really? Did you not see the tech behind KZ2 and 3? It's amazing!
I think he meant GAME developer not graphics developer.
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Well, your hatred of Halo and Call of Duty (though this one is actually justified) is strong. I've given up on us every agreeing on Halo. :P I like Gears, though. Well, except for Gears 2. I hated that game. On topic, I think Killzone's lack of recognition stems from a few things. 1. The shooter market is crowded, and is not kind to new IPs. 2. To make your new IP stand out, it needs to be amazing off the bat. The original game did not do this. 3. It's an exclusive to a system that does not have the focus on shooters that say, the 360 or PC does. 4. Comparing it to Halo or Call of Duty is silly. Those series are phenomenons. They became ingrained into pop culture. They aren't just video games anymore. KZ is. It's not a fair comparison. A better comparison would be with the likes of Resistance, Bulletstorm, or any other successful, but not iconic, series.ChubbyGuy40
There hasn't been a single Halo game I could call even good, they've all been crap to me. Reach was just massively disappointing.
I can actually enjoy Black Ops. Doesn't deserve a 9 but its still a good game imo. The only enjoyable CoD.
I actually played the first KZ a few times. The online was amazingly fun. Too bad others didn't have that much fun with it. They should bring it to PC! I'm fine with it being underrated/not as popular as CoD/Halo. That way it can stay quality and not be the Justin Biebers of video games.
Well, whatever. Different horses and all that. What disappointed you, if I can ask? But I will agree on Black Ops, though I did like WaW, but hey. And please don't compare Halo (or CoD, for that matter) to Justin Bieber. That's just insulting. I wouldn't compare the worst game I've ever played to that kid. :PPretty much this. There's a lot of other shooters released every year that we don't hear about. It's for a reasoncause its not as good as otherr shooters?
Because its all flash and no substance. Most sony games focus too much on presentation and not enough on gameplay. 360 games are the opposite.Miketheman83
IMO UC2 has "flash" and "substance" as well as MGS4.
Infamous wasn't that great looking but at least it was fun.
Halo, COD, Borderlands, Battlefield, and Gears have been spotlighted by gamers and non gameing media alike. I have never played a KZ game but it looks awesome, but for some reason it never reaches that level of success or aknowledgement.
coorrect me if i'm missing something.
Because KZ hasn't really brought anything.
Halo created a standard for FPS on consoles.
CoD has made shooters mainstream and (until recently) have always been excellent shooters
Borderlands was a great Coop game with an artstyle not seen very often (if ever) in FPS
Battlefield has epic battles, great MP with balanced gameplay that's not boring
Can't answer Gears since I don't really like them; though it might have something to do with it being the first "must have" game for the 360, and popularizing the cover based system.
I haven't heard of anything the KZ has done that others haven't already.
Personally, FPS arent my thing.
I did play KZ1 and KZ2. The first one was meh, the second one had its memorable moments, I actually enjoyed it to be honest, I thought it was worth a rent.
Never played KZ3 though, and dont plan to.
I will say though, KZ2 offered the best multiplayer experience I ever played in a FPS. The way the play modes would change seemlessly during mid-game was excellent.
Aside from that, most (if not all) FPS Ive seen are overrated IMO. Most of them are only worth for the multiplayer, and even then most of them play the same.
The only FPS I ever bought is Black Ops, because I love zombies. But thats just me.
Because people love to hate... Playing killzone 3 last night online was like heaven
I laughed I really did lol
[QUOTE="Utensilman"]KZ2 had awful controls and i never gave 3 a chance because i know a talentless developer when i see itUltra_Combo
Talentless? Really? Did you not see the tech behind KZ2 and 3? It's amazing!
I think he meant GAME developer not graphics developer.
The tech behind KZ2 actually is very much what makes the atmosphere and gameplay better. I thought it was an explosive and fun game. Hardly talentless dev's.
That's the silliest response I have ever heard! Since when did I call it perfect?!?! Lol. Your just ignorant and that response proves it more.[QUOTE="sethman410"][QUOTE="HailedJohnDman"]
Hah, talk about hypocrisy, the fact that you cant accept that killzone is not a perfect game annoys you says alot.
uhmm lol?? so now that we pretty much accepted the fact that killzone is not perfect we can then pretty much assume that not everyone will like it , ITS NOT PERFECT, therefore not everyone will like it, why cant you just accept it? killzone as a series is on the verge of being overrated with its bland characters and uninteresting story( god i hate rico, why is he still alive?) with a stereotypical sci fi plot, the only real thing it has going is graphics. By the way, why do you think I think the game is perfect or im hyping it to the max? That doesn't make sense.
Further Denial shall allude to your ignorance and hypocrisy
Umm yeah we did? Lol. But your not accepting the fact that it's a great game. So, you know not any game is flawless then why tell me those negative things about kz? Lol. Your the one actually in denial along with your ignorance.Please Log In to post.
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