So you don't find bald space marines with the "tougher than thou" attitude also annoying? Kotor was the best RPG of last gen huh? Did you forget about Dragon Quest VIII or Final Fantasy X somehow?JRPG´s were(ok,they still are at some extent)massively popular on consoles because the main WRPG´s games/series were basically PC exclusives.
The biggest problem for JRPG´s is called SW: The Knights of the old Republic. First high profile WRPG(as far as I can remember)to have a console release and automatically the best console RPG that gen(if you look at the scores and the GOTY awards anyway).
After that,almost every high profile WRPG is released on consoles as well(minus The Witcher,another superb WRPG),and with games like Kotor,Kotor 2,Jade Empire,ME,ME2,DA and others out there,JRPG´s lost a lot of it´s charm and are falling to a far second place between the genres.
When you look at the average score for ME2(9.6),for example and state that no JRPG as reached that score before,you kind of realise where the trend is going.
I guess what I´m saying is that people are realising that they can experience RPG´s with more depth and complexity(ok,ME2 aside on this one :) ),fantastic non linear stories and massive replay value(multiple endings,overlooked quests,alignment changes,etc...).
It doesn´t help the fact that most of it´s characters are androgynous teenagers(also with Dragon Ball Z haircuts :D) crying and trying to be emotional,when what they are being is cheesy.It worked in FF7 with the death of Aeris and all,but now I feel that (mainly the FF series)they just have to put some emotional "crap" to go on with the story as an obligation.Maybe the story herself wasn´t so good to begin with...
Of course rabid JRPG´s fans will not agree with me,and that´s only natural,but if you guys(and girls)analise this very thoroughly you will see that maybe I have a point.
I love it how some seem to think a few Western media-centric reviewers opinions = the general attitude of the gaming community overall.
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