@MBirdy88: I haven't played Any uncharted but Tomb Raider had awful gunplay and it felt a hell of a lot more repetitive than TLOU. It was just straight up duck and shot the whole game the enemy had no variation and in the middle of the game it seem like it was copying RE4 except in RE4 you have a better arsenal to kill things with and the gunplay felt a lot better. In the last of us the Gunplay isn't exactly realistic but it's not as bad as tomb Raider and it's all based on level design. Even so TLOU had a more interesting plot and story than Tomb Raider which may have also had the effect to keep you going foward. A pure action game like tomb raider fails when the Action isn't satisfying at all. But then again that's just my opinion, i've been spoiled with good gunplay like Metro and Max Payne. And Max Payne you literally did the same thing the whole entire game and it felt a lot more fun just because of that gunplay over Tomb Raider. You can say tomb Raider was open world but it was very restricted and linear to me, only thing is that you can go back to most places for collectibles but i guess that's what people want in an open world game, to go to a cliff following a linear wall for a visual mask right?
... you just described uncharted.
Then i guess Tomb Raider = Uncharted then.
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