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[QUOTE="osirisx3"]Â :lol: he comes classic hermit insecurity and Linux has been doing great as of late ever hear of android? Having fun compiling crap to get it working? I'm sure one day Linux will be useful as a desktop OS.[QUOTE="clyde46"] You one of those freetards who think 2013 will be the year of the Linux OS?clyde46
stop embarrassing your self you know nothing about Linux.
[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lowe0"] He addressed it to console gamers. Do I or do I not fit within that category? This is a simple yes or no question.lowe0And yet in other threads where console users have made sweeping statements about PC gamers personal lives you are not where to be seen. Also, if you read his post correctly he said : "Because consoles are baby PCs for people that think a computer is too complicated." No where did he say that all console users are babies. He was implying that consoles are designed for people who find using a computer too complicated. You as you have stated do not find a computer complicated or difficult to use, so no, you do not fit into his argument. That's a lot of letters for a yes or a no.
It's a debate forum lowe. herp derp
Having fun compiling crap to get it working? I'm sure one day Linux will be useful as a desktop OS.[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="osirisx3"]Â :lol: he comes classic hermit insecurity and Linux has been doing great as of late ever hear of android?
stop embarrassing your self you know nothing about Linux.
Well explain to me then freetard, what makes Linux so great.[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lowe0"] Considering that this particular console gamer is posting in between debugging some LINQ code at the moment, that seems like an odd statement.lowe0Show me where what he said applies to you. You seem to love to take sweeping statements personally. He addressed it to console gamers. Do I or do I not fit within that category? This is a simple yes or no question.
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
Console are not PCs. I can't use a console to do work like programming or use office. Consoles are for entertainment while PCs are for basically everything and its gaming aspect comes at a price and with its fair share of issues and inconveniences.
You herms are the one that has turned fanboys to attack the PC with your constant stupidity about master race, by not acknowledging that PC is not perfect and now there is is no turning back. Beside, this is system wars....
Console are not PCs. I can't use a console to do work like programming or use office. Consoles are for entertainment while PCs are for basically everything and its gaming aspect comes at a price and with its fair share of issues and inconveniences.
You herms are the one that has turned fanboys to attack the PC with your constant stupidity about master race and now there is is no turning back. Beside, this is console wars....
It's system wars, learn to read
Console are not PCs. I can't use a console to do work like programming or use office. Consoles are for entertainment while PCs are for basically everything and its gaming aspect comes at a price and with its fair share of issues and inconveniences.
You herms are the one that has turned fanboys to attack the PC with your constant stupidity about master race and now there is is no turning back. Beside, this is console wars....
*cough* System Wars *cough*
console gamers don't hate PCs, just PC gamers come here on their high horse talking sh*t and consolites bite back, you make yourself into martyrslamprey263
Some console gamer said something stupid, like you need ot upgrade your PC every week and spend $100,000 to even match consoel graphics.
Some Pc gamer corrected him by pointing out how stupid and ignorant he is.
Some other console gamer took offense.
He addressed it to console gamers. Do I or do I not fit within that category? This is a simple yes or no question.[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="clyde46"] Show me where what he said applies to you. You seem to love to take sweeping statements personally.seanmcloughlin
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.I dont hate PCs. I hate hermits. Worst bunch of fanboys
But I don´t hate you, funny dog. Probably, I will mock you amd laugh at your arguments, but never hate :D
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="lowe0"] He addressed it to console gamers. Do I or do I not fit within that category? This is a simple yes or no question.lowe0
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.But it's not really. Â You don't have to debate everything lowe
Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
But it's not really. Â You don't have to debate everything lowe
Why bother posting if I'm not going to debate?[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="lowe0"] He addressed it to console gamers. Do I or do I not fit within that category? This is a simple yes or no question.lowe0
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.Â
Here hold ona  sec...
[puts up cross]
Ok, there ya go Lowe, you can now go on, and hop on to that cross so you cna cry some more. Maybe you'll understnad this a little better:
var Lowe0 = from consolites in systemWars
orderby consolite.IQ descending
where consolite.IQ > 2
select consolite;
I don't even have to test for a collection. I know I'm only getting 1 item back :)
[QUOTE="lostrib"][QUOTE="lowe0"] Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.lowe0
But it's not really. Â You don't have to debate everything lowe
Why bother posting if I'm not going to debate?general discussions, hype for upcoming releases, not being an ass
[QUOTE="lostrib"][QUOTE="lowe0"] Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.lowe0
But it's not really. Â You don't have to debate everything lowe
Why bother posting if I'm not going to debate? Nothing is black and white.[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="lowe0"] He addressed it to console gamers. Do I or do I not fit within that category? This is a simple yes or no question.lowe0
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.By the very standard of the debate itself owning more than one system doesn't make you part of one specific faction. Hence why the term manticore was coined around here. And sure, if you wanna be a console only debater then do that, but when you say you won't play Dishonored on your PC because it doesn't support more than one monitor it doesn't sound like a console gamer to me, it sounds like something that console gamers hate to hear in fact.
Stay consistent if you want your rules to apply
Really. :roll: With which faction do I fit in better? As lostrib keeps trying to say (in a pretty poor impression of me), this is a debate. Pick a side.[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
No you don't fit as a console gamer, because you have a gaming PC. Console gamers are generally classified around here as someone who play exclusively on consoles. Just cos you spent more of tht time on console doens't make you one of them.Â
And again you ARE the guy who wouldn't play Dishonored on his PC because it didn't support multiple monitors properly. Sounds like a hermit to me
By the very standard of the debate itself owning more than one system doesn't make you part of one specific faction. Hence why the term manticore was coined around here. And sure, if you wanna be a console only debater then do that, but when you say you won't play Dishonored on your PC because it doesn't support more than one monitor it doesn't sound like a console gamer to me, it sounds like something that console gamers hate to hear in fact.
Stay consistent if you want your rules to apply
So your evidence boils down to "that doesn't sound like something a console gamer would say"? Have you considered that maybe what's flawed isn't my statement, but your perception of what console gamers actually think?You're first msitake is thinking you'd get anything like logic, or reason from consolites.
It's not a console, so they hate it. Simple as that. Theya re like rabid religious fundamentalists.
And when hermits regard a console, "it's not a PC, so they hate it. Simple as that."
I guess "logic" to you is just another way to spell "hypocrisy", huh? :roll::roll:
And I'm not defending the idiocy of "PC gaming is dying" that is prevailent on the net, but don't delude yourself into thinking PC gamers are any more charitable or courteous in the debate.
something incredibly generic, obvious, insulting or irratio-
computational error "logic"
fuk u
I'm my own faction, not cow, nor hermit. Something bigger and badder.
I'm a Walrus, baby.
lemme join
[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lowe0"] No. But it's okay, because I have another: is an inability to deal with complexity the only reason for designing an easy-to-use device?lowe0It is not the SOLE reason but part of it. Easy to use devices appeal to everyone. If simplicity appeals to everyone, then why are easy-to-use gaming platforms supposedly designed for babies? Wouldn't that actually mean they're designed for everyone?
You sound flawed
[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]Im typing on a tablet :cool:I dont think people realize that a pc is is not a windows desktop/laptop. It is pretty much any device operated by an end user onlyThe Consolites shouldn't hate PCs cause then they wouldn't be on this site to begin with. :P
I'm my own faction, not cow, nor hermit. Something bigger and badder.
I'm a Walrus, baby.
lemme join
We have very strict membership guidelines, but you seem like a cool guy, so go ahead.
[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lowe0"] If simplicity appeals to everyone, then why are easy-to-use gaming platforms supposedly designed for babies? Wouldn't that actually mean they're designed for everyone?lowe0Simplicity isn't just having large buttons, its about being able to interact with something and have it work in the way you expect it to. Consoles are be used by any age group. The terminology he used was off yes, but I can pull up lots of examples from console users who do not know the way PC gaming works and then use negative stereotypes to try and hide their inability. So point out where they're wrong instead of calling them babies. Problem solved.
You're like the dad I needed 10 years ago
[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lowe0"] If simplicity appeals to everyone, then why are easy-to-use gaming platforms supposedly designed for babies? Wouldn't that actually mean they're designed for everyone?lowe0Simplicity isn't just having large buttons, its about being able to interact with something and have it work in the way you expect it to. Consoles are be used by any age group. The terminology he used was off yes, but I can pull up lots of examples from console users who do not know the way PC gaming works and then use negative stereotypes to try and hide their inability. So point out where they're wrong instead of calling them babies. Problem solved. The problem doesn't just lie with hermits, console users are just as bad. Don't turn a blind eye to one faction then repremand another for perpetrating the same crime.
So point out where they're wrong instead of calling them babies. Problem solved.[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="clyde46"] Simplicity isn't just having large buttons, its about being able to interact with something and have it work in the way you expect it to. Consoles are be used by any age group. The terminology he used was off yes, but I can pull up lots of examples from console users who do not know the way PC gaming works and then use negative stereotypes to try and hide their inability. whiskeystrike
You're like the dad I needed 10 years ago
Who's your daddy?? :cool:
sorry, couldn't resist :oops:
[QUOTE="lowe0"] So point out where they're wrong instead of calling them babies. Problem solved.AdobeArtist
You're like the dad I needed 10 years ago
Who's your daddy?? :cool:
sorry, couldn't resist :oops:
adblockedEvery console is, in fact, a PC.
It's simply a gaming-oriented PC and a closed platform (disregarding homebrew software and console modding) regulated by the producer of the console.
If you put a PC OS on a console and connected it to a mouse and keyboard, it would be a "full-fledged" PC.
So point out where they're wrong instead of calling them babies. Problem solved. The problem doesn't just lie with hermits, console users are just as bad. Don't turn a blind eye to one faction then repremand another for perpetrating the same crime. I've never seen goalposts move that fast.[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="clyde46"] Simplicity isn't just having large buttons, its about being able to interact with something and have it work in the way you expect it to. Consoles are be used by any age group. The terminology he used was off yes, but I can pull up lots of examples from console users who do not know the way PC gaming works and then use negative stereotypes to try and hide their inability. clyde46
You're like the dad I needed 10 years ago
Who's your daddy?? :cool:
sorry, couldn't resist :oops:
adblockedWhy so serious? :P
You're first msitake is thinking you'd get anything like logic, or reason from consolites.
It's not a console, so they hate it. Simple as that. Theya re like rabid religious fundamentalists.
And when hermits regard a console, "it's not a PC, so they hate it. Simple as that."
I guess "logic" to you is just another way to spell "hypocrisy", huh? :roll::roll:
And I'm not defending the idiocy of "PC gaming is dying" that is prevailent on the net, but don't delude yourself into thinking PC gamers are any more charitable or courteous in the debate.
I am the nicest person on these forums, so I disagree :PÂ
[QUOTE="clyde46"]The problem doesn't just lie with hermits, console users are just as bad. Don't turn a blind eye to one faction then repremand another for perpetrating the same crime. I've never seen goalposts move that fast. If you are implying that we correct hermits when they say that consoles are designed for babies then I expect the same to be done to console users who say that PC gamers spent $2000 monthly to play the latest games or that PC gamers are no-lifer virgins who live in their moms basement. I'll say it again. "Don't turn a blind eye to one faction then repremand another for perpetrating the same crime."[QUOTE="lowe0"] So point out where they're wrong instead of calling them babies. Problem solved.lowe0
[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="clyde46"] The problem doesn't just lie with hermits, console users are just as bad. Don't turn a blind eye to one faction then repremand another for perpetrating the same crime.clyde46I've never seen goalposts move that fast. If you are implying that we correct hermits when they say that consoles are designed for babies then I expect the same to be done to console users who say that PC gamers spent $2000 monthly to play the latest games or that PC gamers are no-lifer virgins who live in their moms basement. I'll say it again. "Don't turn a blind eye to one faction then repremand another for perpetrating the same crime." And I've corrected plenty of that kind of post from my own faction as well. So, where's the blind eye?
You're first msitake is thinking you'd get anything like logic, or reason from consolites.
It's not a console, so they hate it. Simple as that. Theya re like rabid religious fundamentalists.
And when hermits regard a console, "it's not a PC, so they hate it. Simple as that."
I guess "logic" to you is just another way to spell "hypocrisy", huh? :roll::roll:
And I'm not defending the idiocy of "PC gaming is dying" that is prevailent on the net, but don't delude yourself into thinking PC gamers are any more charitable or courteous in the debate.
I am the nicest person on these forums, so I disagree :PÂ
I know that you aren't so discriminating against consoles (nice gal that you are) :)
But how many threads do we see daily to the effect of;
"consoles just suck"
"consoles are for noobs"
"how can you put up with inferior games?"
"why haven't you switched to PC???"
and the numerous topics that are essentially campaigns of "conversion". Now THAT is religious zealoutry right there.
And yes on the flip side there's the non-stop "PC is dying" or disingenuous assertions of how PC gaming costs "$4000 with $500 annual upgrading". My point is that there's plenty of slander found on both sides of the fence.
Who's your daddy?? :cool:
sorry, couldn't resist :oops:
Why so serious? :P
I warned you
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