All the Time, you see a thread about a PS3 exclusive that does NOT deserve the score it got. That it should of been lower cuz of blah blah blah.
All the time, every day, every week, every month, some PS3 exclusive from a couple years ago gets brought up to say that it shouldnt have been AAe, or AAAe. MGS4, Gow3, U2, U3, KZ2, KZ3, Infamous 1, this one, that one, the one of there, ect. Why? why do PS3 exclusive aslways get questioned? Why are people obsessed with PS3 exclusives? All ps3 games should score lower. 360 exclusives dont get questioned, no one talks about Gears 3, sometime you here Gear fans saying that Gears 3 sucked compared to the others, but no one ever questioned its scored. None even talks about Halo Reach, the game came out and a week later people forgot about it, never to be mentioned again.
PS3 Exclusives............... those two words just send SW into a frenzy and chaos. Those two words right there just brings so much hate and frustrationin people. Its just a silly little number that really means nothing. Dont you guys get tired of the smaething.
I know some people here take this "War" a bit too seriously, but c'mon...... it doesnt really matter at this point.
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