Online gaming- Free
Games ? That all depends on how many you buy. I can wait 4 to 5 monthes for a title and get it for 40$ or I can rent a game from gamefly and pay 10 bucks a month . I proved my point its cheaper
What about the PC that you have to buy so that you can come on here and make your ridiculous statements?
Also, if you're going to say $300 for a PS3 then you had to wait 3 years for it to drop to that price.
You can't argue that something is cheaper in the manner that you're attempting to.
It's like you're trying to tell me that a bicycle with no wheels for $100 is cheaper than a bicycle with wheels for $150. Sorry, there's more to it than that.
You're just a typical shortsided consolite who refuses to look at every single expense encountered when choosing to be a console gamer vs choosing to be a PC gamer.
I'll consider that you're still alive when you consider ALL the FACTS. I doubt that will happen since posting facts is something you're yet to do.
Im not sure what is so hard for you to comprehend ? I could reply on here with a 15 year old pc that is worth nothing if I wanted to. Hell I could get a PS3 with linux on it and reply on here If i wanted to . I am a gamer i buy platforms for exclusives so its basically no diffrent then me saying well if I buy a PC i need to buy a PS3 so I can play GOW3 so I guess I should add that in the price of my platform as well?
Also if you are going to compare todays pc prices to consoles then its only fair I use todays console prices. What do we now compare todays lowered pc parts with last years $600 PS3?
Um if im a typical shortside PC gamer why am I typing to you from a $1500 dollar pc I built myself? The fact is you are a typical hermit that apparently does not have the money to enjoy the true advantages of pc gaming thus you lie to yourself and say you get this elite expereince by paying less then the consoles and thats simply not the case.PC gaming has its advantages I know this but you pay for them and if you dont pay for them you simply dont get it thats the diffrence between you and i. I own both platforms you owna cheap pc which makes your entire argument illogical at best.
What have i posted that is not a fact? Is the PS3 not $300? Is the online not Free? Those by definition are facts you simply dont read well.
So now you're speculating on my income? Whether I own a console or not? Whether I have a cheap PC or not? Are you F*&CKING kidding me?
PC gaming is cheaper for most people, this is a fact and it has been laid out why time and time again. You have yet to provide a single example of how/why console gaming is cheaper. The fact that YOU overpaid for a gaming PC is NOT a reason for PC gaming being more expensive. We all know that PC gaming CAN be more expensive, that is not the argument. You can have all the advantages of PC gaming AND have it for less.
I've consistently said for "most people" and you come back with "i could be posting from a 15 year old pc" which FURTHER proves my point....and that is you continually have to come up with far fetched cases in order to make your argument stand up.
The vast majority of people buy a new PC about as often as consoles come out and the cost of turning that PC into a gaming PC is very little. Throw on an extra $20 per game, free online, and it's a no brainer.
Come to think of it, you haven't really even posted your argument as to why console gaming is cheaper. You've done nothing but say we're wrong, yet you can't make the argument on your own.
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