Allow me to iterate on the matter. When you sign up for the service it asks for a silver or gold "account" before you create a profile. That "account" be it online or offline will eventually be linked to Microsoft if there is an available internet connection and your profile is attached to said account even though you didn't "sign in to it". For those trying to "cheat the system" by keeping it offline and unplugged, a net result occurs: They got to put firmware on their discs to ensure you are not cheating. This in due turn however prevents your from playing full offline.
You don't have to sign up even if you have an internet connection ... You don't HAVE to update your games at all. You only have to update them if you want to play online.
IF you sign up you get to pick from silver and gold, if you pick silver then you have an online profile, which can do everything but game online, gold lets you play online.
Then explain to me, good sir, that even when I tested this theory by creating a new account offline profile and plugging in a game, I got the following message:
You must apply this CONSOLE update in order to play this game, failure to do so will not allow you to play the game. Console updates are periodically provided to the Xbox 360 console system to add or update functionality. The inability to install an update will prevent the user from signing in to Xbox LIVE or from playing a particular game.
I ask you, what part of the functionality of this requires the game to be played? Nothing. It's just the console. So when I do the following and do the update it then asks for an INTERNET connection to update. Failure to do so STILL won't allow me to play the game. And once I hook the thing online BOOM the endless ads of asking me to go online to get x y and z immerse.
It's not rocket science what Microsoft is doing...they strong arm you to go online...you can never truly have an offline console unplugged from the internet.
Not saying Sony and Nintendo are innocent either, but them's the brakes.
I'm sorry but i played a game offline not 2 days ago and this never happened to me. Not saying you're lying but ... I've also never seen any of these ads ... A lot of what you're claiming seems to be exclusive to you and your "Xbox"
Also, why is it an issue anyway? How is it hurting you?
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