They simply made starcraft in 3d with the same mechanics and race. The graphics and gameplay is not impresive in my view. Look at medieval 2 total war is 1 year old and has a great gameplay and it's visuals surpass SC2. I think star carft 2 is just riding on the past success of star craft which for it's time was great but time has passed and old RTS gameplay just does not cut it anymore.
Medieval Total War
Company of Heroes
Also if you have played these games can you go back to the 8 year old gameplay with new units?
Also you might say you can't compare SC2 to MTW2 since they are two different games. But every game is different to one and another is what they bring to the table that matters.
In my oppinion SC2 brings a really good balance gameplay using totally different races. but relies to much in which units you build rather than strategical and tactiful gameplay.
MTW2 may not have totally different races but has a huge number of different units (about 150) and twenty something factions each with unique units. MTW2 does not relly on units but rather strategy and tactics. In this game is not uncommon for low peasant units winning against proffesional knight units given the right situation and tactics.
I will compare the differences between Total War and Starcraft because it's a good way to see two different types of gameplay in RTS.
SC takes battles in a very simplistic way. It's like a Rock, Paper, Scissors you have this unit that's good against another unit but that unit is weak against another unit. So to win you have to put a unit for example flame trowers against Zerglins. Elevation plays some role too. But battles are too unit dependant.
MTW: I like using MTW because it's my favorite RTS game. In Medival total war you have to take in to account several factors like morale, flanks, elevation, speed, weather, stamina, terrain, weapons, armor, incline, formation, stealth, fear, climate and many more that can affect the course of the battle. Because of this setu p you can take out any army as long as you have the imagination and tactics to do so regarless of how small your force is. It's not uncommon for a group of peasants to take out an army of 5X greater force and better units.
However I have come to realize that not everyone likes this complexity. So I will not say that one game is better than the other since that depends on preference. But I will say that MTW as well with other more complex RTS have more tactics and Strategy than SC and other old ****RTS.
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