Seriously OoT is a Nintendo 64 game. Not a wii game. But but teh wii has BC of all Nintendo consoles!! no it doesn't. BC = being able to play nearly all the games from that system. Not 4-8 games which people own 100 times over.
Just Admit Wii's library is lacking and that the future looks to be full of average games made by developers who are spending more time and money on quality 360/PS3 games and less time and money(although more frequently) on wii games(UBI soft doing this a lot). Why make a 2 year project masterpiece(Asassins Creed) on Wii when you can make a cooking simulation(Rayman Rabbids 2) and get more sales? Developers know wii is easy to make games for so they make anything...i mean ANYTHING.
Is this a Wii bashing thread? Not really, just saying the wii will not have the library of games people are magically expecting. Also VC = past games not Wii games. At least GC was in competition with Xbox and PS2 so it got some real games...Wii is going a totally new and wacky path. Wiifit FTW!!!
P.S i wasn't referring Rayman as a Cooking game just used that genre as an example(mini games).
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