My 360 cost me $400. My PS3 cost me $400. My Wii cost me $200 Total? 1000. Plus 50-60 per game (new).
My PC cost me about $850. It crushes these "game consoles" in performance, convenience (Steam and D2D > Retail espcially with 10 mb + Internet).
I play a LOT of games. That's why I have everything. There are games on every single platform I want to play, and since I can afford it, I do.
However if forced to choose only one, the PC far and away is the best value.
Even a decent PC/Laptop that can't really play games would/should cost you around $500 for a desktop, and $750 for a laptop.
Then you have to add the $200 at least for a wii, or more for a HD console. Then the games are more expensive.
Why not just buy a videocard?
If you NEED games like Tales, FF, Metal Gear, Mario or Zelda I guess you need a console.
Me? 99% of the game's I play are multiplat, and my PC eats them games compared to the consoles. Why the hell would I pay more money per game for worse performance if I have the choice? And I do.
My PC is my "game console". It's hooked into my 52 inch HDTV. I have the wireless 360 controller for Windows and a blue tooth receiver. I can use any damn controller I want, from the couch and play in real 1080p. With better framerates then the consoles.
All because I have this small skill learned in kindergarten called reading. It really is an amazing thing what you can learn if you read on the intrawebs.
A few articles and user reviews later I had PC parts.
An hour or so after they arrived I had the PC up and running which frankly was easier to do with the blueprint like instructions then some of the huge Lego models I've made as a child. A nice and easy install of anti-virus software, a firewall and bit more of that reading stuff and my PC was good to go.
Whenever people use the "it's to hard BS" in regards to PC gaming I have to question the mental ability of that individual. If running/assembling a PC is "to hard" then I don't even wan't you taking my order at McDonald's.
Notice, I didn't say anything about people who don't WANT to put up with the "hassles". That's indifference and or laziness. No problem there.
I didn't say anything about the huge amount of JRPG and Japan loving anime/hentai/manga (I don't give a **** what it's called! :) ) type that seems to inhabit the hell out of this board much to my disdain. Those types for sure, would need a console. But that's PREFERENCE. That is OK.
BUT $ for $ a PC is a better "value" TO ME, and the "It's to hard, I can't use my TV, I can't afford a PC even though I own every Japanese console and JRPG ever made blah blah blah nonsense is a copout designed to elevate a personal preference into a universal standard where all who don't conform are actually the stupid ones.
Preference = good.
Ignorance with a healthy dose of stupid = bad.
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