But actually they are
Dice games are superior on PC
Bioware games
Valve games
CoD games
and not only because of their graphics. Anyways, im sensing a huge shift will be made this year. Lots of PC exlusives to be released will be high rated games and the techinal gap between consoles and PC's will even get bigger and bigger this year. Rmember the shift wich happened when last gen consoles hit their max? We got Crysis, Half life 2, Stalker, BF2 on PC.
If anything is dying it's console gaming. People don't want simple dedicated gaming hardware in their livingrooms anymore buy fully functional multimedia devices. That's the reason consoles are turning more into PC's and this will continue to happen in the future. Because PC is where it's at, it can do everything and consoles are trying to mimmick that to catch up.
Next wave of consoles im shure, they will have upgradable hardware parts wich enchance performance and processing power for the ones who care about. The concept of consoles as they were originally intended to be is getting old. We live in 2011. It's not acceptable anymore to release hardware and expect it to perform and sell for the next decade without adding any upgrades to let it go with time.
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