Umm.... Maybe because it's a sport title. Personally I hate sports in real life, and I hate sports in video games. I find them exceptionally boring. If you like it then power too you, there's one more game you like. But personally, I'm awaiting more Fantasy type games, that aren't based off of real life things that I suck at or take no interest in. Witcher 3 is my most exiting game release, because it has nothing to do with our crappy world, has a world I wish to explore. But don't take it to heart, sports games are never the most wanted on many lists. You have to like sports in order to be excited for it. Most gamers, don't care about sports (aside from the ones who just play sports but then have no idea what Bioshock, DMC, Witcher, Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Tales of series, Baulders Gate and so forth.
So basically, Bloodborne is the only PS4 exclusive until this fall/winter (i'm sure they will announce something to cover Uncharted 4's vacancy this fall/winter.
But excuse me while I anticipate the Witcher 3, Final Fantasy 15, Zelda Wii-U, Metal Gear Solid 5, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, Star Fox Wii-u and many others.
PS. I hate it when people I know invite me for a sports night, I usually find some excuse not to go because I don't want to be the only one on the couch playing a 3ds or vita, If its my good friends then I go for the free food and then continue on with my handheld gaming and I only do that because they know me. I HATE SPORTS of all types, so don't take it personally.
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