Well that doesn't really work right now either, because to output at high resolution while keeping the same graphical fidelity would require more horsepower than the Wiis GPU has, unless it too gets a scaling chip.
Either way it doesn't have a method of producing these higher resolutions, so whats the point of this. It doesn't change the argument, it just says this is what the Wii could look like. But when I go back to it, it won't.
Perhaps it is a good idea to read the topic and follow the thread. Topic: Why does the Wii look horible? My answer: Because it is not an HD console. You apparently agree with me so I don't know what your argument is. Thus, I can not change it.
Xbox 1 doesn't do HD, but images look cleaner because it could always do AA to some degree. But it had an amazing GPU as well.
But HD is not the answer, you don't take a piece of crap car and just put a really powerful engine in it. You have to improve other things too, crap looking games at high res still look crap, just a lot sharper as you've proved.
But Nintendo didn't even need to flinch, there were so many dirt cheap already out of date PC gpus Ati had, that they could have incorporated into the Wii for Nintendo. The R300 to R420 GPUs for example.
The true answer is, because Nintendo were really lazy. I know they did this because it was a risk to release the Wii and it just so happened it was lucrative, but it wouldn't have cost that much to have a better GPU. The only costs would have been the development tools and development software would have to change, essentially the Wii development tools haven't changed much from the GameCubes. And considering Nintendo are one of the few companies to consistently make profit, this was just corner cutting.
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