I mean everything Sony does with PS3 it's always discredited and slander with bias talk.
Blu-ray: "It's a format that force on consumers. Sony is ripping us off"
Multi-media funtions: "I just want a gaming machine. If I wanted all the other stuff I'll buy them (optional)"
PS Network: "It's not as good as XBL. Why should I pay $600 for a lower version online service?"
RPGs: "Now that games like Blue Dragon and Lost Odessey coming to the 360, PS no longer have the great RPGs."
PS Home: "It's a Second life rip-off. No one cares about playing Barbie and Doll house on a console"
PS Games: "They only release rehashed games that are played out and should be retired from the Sony library."
Sony: "All they do is copy ideas from other companies. They're not innovative at all. Then, have the nerve to charge High Price for it."
It's seems no matter what Sony does, it's not good enough. I say, Sony has no choice but to become arrogant to the haters, and just worry about the people who purchase their products.
However, as much as I dislike Microsoft as a console gaming company, we give credit to them without bashing out everything.
Microsoft: Has the best shooters on a console.
Microsoft: XBL is the best online service you can get on a console at the moment.
Microsoft: Has great customer service when it comes to their faulty hardware issue. Lifetime warranty is very nice.
Just something to think about, when the next time you bash systems fanboys...
You make valid points, even though some of those things you listed are valid arguments from others as well. To be fair though, I'll say this... I think I first joined GS last August I think it was. So I obviously wasn't here for the beginning and middle of last gen. But with the domination of the PS2, and the Xbox and GC having a disappointing gen. But most of all, MS with the Xbox, I can only imagine the type of bashing that the Xbox got last gen... GC not so much just because it was Nintendo, and they had respect already, while MS was just starting out.
Again, I wasn't here last gen, so I wouldn't know 100% for sure that MS got a heavy amount of bashing, but you act as if MS and Nintendo never get any bashing around here. Yeah, Sony gets more bashing than those 2 around here, but that's because the PS3 is arguably struggling right now. Sure the top notch games might change that, but until they actually do, PS3 doesn't look too good right now. Not to mention the same thing goes for Nintendo. But Nintendo isn't going to get that much bashing just because the Wii is cheap. And then of course MS and the 360 got bashed within the first year after launch because of the "lack of games", so to a certain degree, each is getting their bashing equally.
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