I mean...we all saw how 360 handled Oblivion...
Then we saw how PS3 handled it...
Point is...games like Resistance would NOT work on 360..they use faaar too many particle effects and rely heavily on the Cell architecture...
So why then take a game MADE for PS3 hardware from the gropund up...optimizng that hardware...and downgrade it to 360? You would literally have to remake the game for tricore...It would almost certainly lose a majority of particle effects and would also lose 7.1 surround sound...not to mention motion sensing...
The 360 hardware while strong just doesnt have the draw distance capabilities, particle effects or physics of PS3....plus with the PS3's abilities to generate faaar more polygons...we can have literally more characters and onscreen at once along with better clarity...360 fans know this cuz Oblivion looks muddy 50 feet infront of them and Gears sometimes takes 6 seconds to load textures....
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