The 360 needed a benchmark game, so bethesda rushed it a little, had Obliivon had the same exact amount of dev time the PS3 had.....It would have blown it out of the water, Regardless of the Cell the 360's GPU stomps mudholes in the RSX, and its ram is more accessible both ways not to just the GPU like the PS3.
The PS3 has better particle effects...were? You need teh glasses? I owned the PS3 and played resistance, it could have been done on the 360 10 times over and 10 times better. Resistance is one of my favorite games for the PS3 as was Oblivion, but every one knows had they both had an extra year, the 360 version would have killed, and there was NO excuse for Resistance to have textures like that. Granted it didnt look like ass, but it was fairly muddy and unclear even with HDMI. Resistance would have looked WAY better on the 360. 7.1 surround sound......and Im sure everyone has a reciever that can pump that out right:roll:....motion sensing= gimmick. The PS3 controler in no way shape or form was even built or made with motion sensing in mind...they just had to have an excuse for not having rumble.
PS3...more poly's....Everything I have ever seen has said that the 360 can push more poly's then the PS3. More characters on screen...Hell there hasnt been a PS3 game yet that has more characters on screen then Kameo:lol: Hmmm dont know what TV you play on but Oblivion just had an update, and it got all the shaders and most texture improvements the PS3 got, so there goes that argument, oh and it also loads a lot less than it did before, even though I will agree the PS3 version is a bit better visually, with the recent update its not by much, and were is the PS3's DLC?.
Gears taking 6 seconds to load textures...again WTF? Never seen it happen. I hate gears but even I know visually its a benchmark for a console, that Sony said was "inferior" to theres.
You guys must really be insecure about your purchase to defend the PS3 all the time trying to say that OMGzzers teh cell and blu-gayFTWzzersbbq111!!!11 teh graphics on the PS3 are way better...Sorry to tell ya from a technical standpoint there isnt on exclusive last year or this year that will even go toe to toe with Gears on any level of graphics physics what ever. I man enough to say my PS3 was a waste, Sony made promises with yet another console that they couldnt keep. Any one remeber the "PS2 is a super computer that will change gaming" argument that Sony mad for the PS2? Well I do...what a sham :lol:
Sony needs to start building a game library and worry about blu-ray movies later. Maybe some day the PS3 will be an equal to the 360, but for its tech specs it has on paper, it sure isnt living up to Sonys hype, and the proof is in the product. Like I keep saying, If Sony isnt going to fully utilize the Cell and Blu-ray..why should 3rd party's? If Sonys hardware isnt so unbalanced then PROVE IT! Until Sony can show something good in the way of games (super PC? ass!) Ill stick with my 360, it has more games and the games I want......and games that are still seemingly bigger and longer than anything sony has for this year or next probably.......Mass Effect anyone?
I mean...we all saw how 360 handled Oblivion...
Then we saw how PS3 handled it...
Point like Resistance would NOT work on 360..they use faaar too many particle effects and rely heavily on the Cell architecture...
So why then take a game MADE for PS3 hardware from the gropund up...optimizng that hardware...and downgrade it to 360? You would literally have to remake the game for tricore...It would almost certainly lose a majority of particle effects and would also lose 7.1 surround sound...not to mention motion sensing...
The 360 hardware while strong just doesnt have the draw distance capabilities, particle effects or physics of with the PS3's abilities to generate faaar more polygons...we can have literally more characters and onscreen at once along with better clarity...360 fans know this cuz Oblivion looks muddy 50 feet infront of them and Gears sometimes takes 6 seconds to load textures....
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