1. Because the dialogue in the game is absolutly atrocious, its just unintresting, along with most of the side quests, which border on MMO quality quests.
2. The fact that, that was the best thing you could come up with is pathetic, destroying Megaton barely effects anything as it is. Fallout 1 + 2 had far more consequence than Fallout 3 did (which had none at all)
Can you provide an example from F1/2 that had more impact than blowing up an entire town, which is about 1 of 3 major settlements in that area of the wastelands?
Therewern't that many major descisions in Fallout 1/2, more roleplaying yes, butthe quality and features of the game/s are greatly exagerated. I personally thought that Fallout was broken by it's remarkably dull combatsystem which moved way to slowly for it's own good. You literally press a button at the bottom of the screen and aim at a character and you might hit it depending on level and what you have equiped. That's poor,very few RPGs have combat systems with as little depth as that.
easily...back in the original Fallout, there was originally a set amount of time for game completion, depending on whether or not you took a certain action in the game (I believe it was telling someone the location of one of the vaults, thought I dont remember precisly) the amount of time you had for game completion could be altered.
and yes, I agree gameplay was far better in Fallout 3. Though to be fair all the 90's RPG's were pretty much exclusivly about story over gameplay.
They patched the timer out though. Regardless changing a time limit isn't a massive consequence, I consider a large alteration to an important landmark more impressive. The story in F2 was pretty poor aswell (Not as awful as F3 plot though.), and the sense of humour, while amusing, did very little to add to it. There is such a thing as too many pop culture refrences.There were quite a few RPGs with good combat systems in the late 90s aswell, butwith Fallout I just struggled tocope with the combat pace and it'sthe lack of depth.If the game had used a real time battlesystem like Diabloit would have been so much better.Pointing and clicking with a gun the waitinga minute is just painful. For that system to work you need to have somethng that can be equivelantto spells.
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