Interesting read, but that's what happens and it happens a lot..But to get a proper feel of the situation you need to read from various sources and from both sides of the coin.However I must sidetrack and start a mini rant.....
This line from the article: "It's common geek wisdom that standards-based websites, for instance, trounce Silverlight, Flash, or ActiveX." is incorrect and annoys me. I'm pretty sure the writerwas hinting that HTML based websites are "better" or "beat" websites that use Flash, etc....
There are things you simply can't do in HTML (and even HTML 5) that you can do in Flash or Silverlight...
HTML is a markup language, once the page is loaded that's it, you can't "inject" new code or variables.. With Flash for instance you don't have that problem.
Also, HTML 5 won't allow me to store variables and convert them to numbers, compute on those numbers and then deliver customized responses based on those numbers. HTML 5 won't allow me to program "If...Then" paths based on user feedback and decision making. I mean the lists goes on but you get the point.
/end mini rant
I agree.
HTML doesn't even have a basic Grid control. HTML is a document and the commitee has no intention of changing that mentality. Poeple can all go blah about open standard, but, IMO, HTML is the one that slowing everyone's down. Hack, just look at everyone moving away from web browsers, you know people don't want to see another HTML document anymore.
HTML was good, but, not anymore. It was a "legacy" open standard. And legacy = poor, open or not, it is still old and weak.
Glad someone agrees with me :)
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