[QUOTE="HuhJustaBox"][QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"][QUOTE="HuhJustaBox"][QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"] I personally think the game dosen't look very good at this point. The shooting dosen't look good or sound good at all. and the graphics and AI also seem to be lacking. And really why are the graphics being praised so much? They look good but I really don't think they are at the same level as "mind blowing" like gears of war whch game out 2 years ago on consles.
Not to mention we are all hypeing a sequel to a game which flopped pretty badly:o.
does anyone else agree with me here?
Either you have not looked much into this game at all or you are one of the many millions of fanboys that just want to hate on the game because it is not on your system of choice.
It clearly looks far superior to any console game from a graphical standpoint. To argue this is just plain crazy and irresponsible.
It has some of the best animations I have ever seen in any game. Bullets tear through enemies and spill blood that looks more life like than any game I have ever seen.
The sound affects are outsanding and the shooting, how can any of us know how it feels being that none of us have played it. The AI has also been raved about in many magazines and websites. So I think I will take their opinion on this, as they have played the game and you have not.
k but have you or any others played the game either?
im just stateing my thoughts on how the game looks. I have never played but neither have you.
I highlighted the sections of my post that is strictly on what I have seen or heard. I never said I played the game either. Almost my whole post is on what I have seen. And my AI comment is based on what others have said that have actually played the game.
Again, either you are not looking at the same game, or you are just one of the many haters. Assuming you are not a hater, I implore you to look more into the game, as it does appear to be potentially amazing. Sure, the gameplay may suck or rock, that cannot be determined until we get our hands on it. However, everything shown so far looks pretty dang amazing.
I look at this Vid and a few others
it dosen't impress me really. Im just stateing me thoughts. im not hateing on the game at all.
Well youtube is not going to have great quality videos. Do you own a PS3? If you do you could have downloaded the video of the person playing the Killzone 2 demo at one of the game conventions. I downloaded that and the COD4 video that was shown a few months prior to that game coming out. Everyone was raving how amazing COD4 looked. I watched it and was blown away. Then I watched the Killzone video and was utterly speechless. It didn't just look better than COD4, it made COD4 look really dated and not so great from a graphics standpoint.
And that is saying a lot as COD4 had some of the best visuals that I have seen this gen. So hang in there and look for higher quality videos. I would wait until after Christmas, as by then you will probably start seeing commercials and seeing actual high quality videos that will give you a better representation of what to expect.
If all I was going on was youtube videos, I guess I would not be overly impressed either. All I have to say is what to you see a quality video.
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