wii isnt a real console wow i think 2nd poster needs to go look up the word video game console and see what pops up cause it clearly is a video game console dont even start saying wii has no core games it has plenty they just dont get attention
in fact the nintnedo wii has seen more good exclusives and obliverates the oposition in sales in fact nintneods ds and wii combined out sell ps2 and ps1 combined!
so have fun with your little useless argument that wii isnt a real console ,
your just gonna have to acknowledge that wii is better no matter what you think of itsg ame or its graphics , ,
lets just say for2 gens streight plus this one makes 3 , no console with high end graphics sold well
and no console with high end graphics got the third party support ,
ps2 hadthe third party dispite being less powerful then xbox or gc whichj were neck and neck
this time wii isntas powerful and sees more exclusives from third party
ps1 was clearly less powerful then n64 and recieved more properties ,
so i think you need a history lesson cause history is repeating it self
in fact 3ds will prove this once again that the least powerful handheld wins the sales war!
and when wii2/cafe comes it not only will challenge current contenders but it will obliverate 720 ps4 due to its by the time ps4 come out itll be 3 yrs old and have a built fanbase and game library and once again be cheaper then the two aswell asless powerful ,
and cheaper to develope for all these factors is what made wii what it is today
ms and sony will be in a very tight spot come next gen
becasue wii 2 will be 2 and a half to 3 yrs old-nintnedo runs 5-6 yr life cycles with itsconesole so the ps4 720 will be leap frogged! whos gonna buy one knowing wii 3 will be evenly priced or cheaper and still offer more power ya i think not many only die hard fans will get a ps4 -especally becaus of whats happening with psn
and 720s quality has to be questioned
as 360 failed in this dept
so ya a tighter situation for ms because hardly any exclusives from them
and quality is a concern floating ibn manys heads
the ps4 has a chance but till still be hard
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