just speaking about the console itself (setting aside the games).
the OS is incredibly bloated. why is it using 1GB of ram? what is it doing? my ubuntu install on my PC doesnt use 1GB of ram and thats a full fat PC OS. its also slow. i dont mean slow as in slow hardware...i mean slow to do things. slow to load games, system menus etc. the wii feels like a faster system despite it only being around 10% as powerful.
it lacks a HDD. this is not a "oh i want to install my games" thing. its a performance issue. console like the first xbox and PS3 allowed games to cache data to the HDD. this improved loading performance. the wiiu cant do that (with 1 exception) (using the internal storage is a non runner as it would kill the lifetime of the console) so more ram needs to be set aside for data stores or the game needs to rely on the disc drive alone...which is not fast enough. monolithsoft had to work miracles to get xenoblade x running at all and, in the end, they have had to concede that the game needs a HDD for the best results. this is supposed to be a games console...it shouldn't require upgrades to play its own games at their best. for a company thats trying to push the estore the lack of a HDD is also baffling.
the gamepad brings nothing to the table. the wiimote brought tangible benefits to some games (the FPS comes to mind) an ti brought benefits to the games nintendo were making. i have yet to play one single game on the wiiu where the gamepad has impressed. credit where its due: the integration of the gamepad into the system itself is second to none. its a no nonsense, native res 60FPS low latency stream...its better than most TVs in the performance stakes. but.....why? nintendos inability to answer this question has been the biggest problem for the wiiu. there are games that could benefit from such a setup but nintendo dont make those kinds of games.
bringing games into it...its a good system now IF you like nintendos games AND you have another system. if you dont like nintendos games then its much much harder to recommend. but if you do like nintendos games then it has the best mario kart since DS, mario world is not galaxy good but its still very good. pikmin 3 is pretty sweet and so on.
i wouldnt call it terrible, but it was not very well thought out at all.
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