Alot of people assume that 3DS will be victorious in the handheld war simply because the DS beat the PSP, meaning they expect the same results with NGP and 3DS. Sounds logical, but I personally dont agree with this idea, because PS2 sales were much higher thanthe GameCube and Xbox last gen, yet that didn't stop the PS3 from having poor sales in comparion to Wii nowadays. You can't assume that NGP will lose just like the PSP did.
So... the REAL reason why NGP will succeed is because its a portable HD console and will share many games with Xbox 360 and PS3. Look how many games are based on Unreal Engine 3, truckloads of them. Any future games made on UE3 will be easy to port over to NGP as well. If I was a developer, I would rather use UE3 to make a game for three systems (PS3 + 360 + NGP), rather than make a brand new engine just for one system (3DS). Sure, I understand that this means NGP will recieve many ports from PS3/360, but its still good because you can choose whether you want to buy a game for PS3 (slightly better graphics + Move support) or NGP (portability, touch screen and touchpad). I am actually excited about playing PS3-like games on a handheld. Imagine if Fallout 4 or Mass Effect 3 was playable on NGP. Talk about awesome :D
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