too noob friendly. Too many glitches, pretty much all of the maps sucked, were horribly designed and almost forced you to camp if you wanted to stay alive for more than 20 seconds.
The game just takes no skill to play, and the reason I think this and I think most others would agree is that In a game like Counter Strike or whatever, games that do take alot of skill to play, When I die I know why I died, I can see the faults in my actions and how I can better prepare myself from that happening again... But in mw, There is NO WAY IN HELL I could ever predict how I would die sometimes, or prevent it from happening.
Ill just get shot from which ever angle by some camper all the way across the map, Blown up by some noob tube shot by someone I cant see because the maps are so open and so full of crap without any real order or construct to the environment that its really impossible to predict where people are going to be alot. And you die to quickly and I mean INSTANTLY. Like in halo or something, even a guy who is camping behind a corner If they shoot first and jump the gun on me I still have a chance to kill them if my aim is better than his. Theres no chance in MW2. Who is ever seen first is DEAD.
The game is just like cheap way after cheap way to kill everyone, I dont know how anybody can take is seriously or pretend like its anything more than just a ridiculous frag fest
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