Thank God!!! Based on most user and critic reactions I thought I was the only one who didnt like MW2. I was so excited from the day I bought it on Amazon to the day it actually came. I went home early from work saying I felt "sick" just to play this bad boy.
Turns out this bad boy was actually very bad.
Graphics: They looked worse than COD4, maybe because I was playing MW2 on Ps3 while the actual COD4, I played on Xbox. Maybe because I had played Uncharted 2 to death for the past month. But IMO, the graphics of this game were horrendously bad. COD4 had one of the best graphics of its time (again, IMO) and this game looked worse than L4D.
Single Player: I used to play the COD4 campaign over lunch breaks! (yes I have an Xbox at work) I have played the single player campaign atleast 30 times. I actually liked and understood the thin story that the game had. I actually **SPOILERS** felt bad when Captain Price and that black dude died in the end. I felt great when that Russian guy came to the rescue in the end. The Mile High Club is the most prized of all my X360 achievements. Compared to all that, MW2 looked like a cheap knockoff of the first game. It looked like an inexperienced studio made a game imitating COD4, trying too hard to be COD4. For anyone who wants to play MW and MW2 campaigns, you should definitely start with MW2 so you wont be utterly disappointed. If I hadn't read about the airport level and the story surrounding it on GS and other sites, I probably would not have understood the meaning of it at all. I have no motivation at all to even finish it, let alone replay it so many times like I did with COD4.
Multiplayer: This is where MW2 shines, they say. I did play a little bit of COD4 MP, and this looks just the same. The loadouts, etc seem to complicated and mess up the game FOR ME. My roommate loves it and that's the only reason I haven't sold away this game. Maps have always been too complicated and call me old, but multiplayer is really hard for me. Finding a player in the map is hard and 3-bullets-and-you're-done doesn't work for me. Helicopter and "laptop kills", as I call them, are a real bummer as I get to have them myself very rarely. BUT watching my roommate play, I must say that this game does have really good MP, just not anything entirely new compared to COD4.
Other: Spec Ops is good but too bummed out by the game to play it that much. And what is with the soooo many guns that all act the same, with just cosmetic differences?
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