[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]blu ray isn't hd its a fail technology by sony Snakemaster9
Hey. You mad Bulls lost? LOL
But hey, you mad the COD trailer sucked? xDDDD
Maybe his mom cancelled his Gold membership. :P
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[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]blu ray isn't hd its a fail technology by sony Snakemaster9
Hey. You mad Bulls lost? LOL
But hey, you mad the COD trailer sucked? xDDDD
Maybe his mom cancelled his Gold membership. :P
[QUOTE="The_Gaming_Baby"][QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]Xbox has better games such as halo and gears while ps3 games are all rip offs lbp (mario) uncharted (gears of war) killzone (halo) mgs (splinter cell) infamous (prototype) and gta (forza). also, 360 has wayyyyy better graphics. ps3 doesnt come with a hd drive and bluray is **** no one uses it. 360 has cross game chat and better online. psn is all laggy and **** and it was down for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 360 gets maps first. suck it ps3 trolls and fanboys. xbox4life. CodXbox1998Going by your name, you are far too young to be playing a COD game 1v1 quick scope me on mw2 That has nothing to do with the fact you are 13 at the most and MW2 requires you to be much older than that to play.
[QUOTE="The_Gaming_Baby"][QUOTE="CodXbox1998"] 1v1 quick scope me on mw2 CodXbox1998That has nothing to do with the fact you are 13 at the most and MW2 requires you to be much older than that to play. Evry1 plays mw2 its the best game of all time and the best selling. its also made by the most critically acclaimed company (IW) Most critically acclaimed would mean the highest rated, that they are not, other companies have made games higher rated than COD. It's also not the best selling game ever.
[QUOTE="AtlasBizarre"]yeah im serious. ps3 sucks, the only reason people like it is because its cheap.lol is this guy serious?
My PS3 cost more than my 360.
[QUOTE="AtlasBizarre"]yeah im serious. ps3 sucks, the only reason people like it is because its cheap. O.o, pretty sure it's more expensive than 360lol is this guy serious?
[QUOTE="AtlasBizarre"]yeah im serious. ps3 sucks, the only reason people like it is because its cheap. :lol: 360 is $100 cheaper budlol is this guy serious?
PS3 exclusives are ripoffs guize.
He forgot:
Heavy Rain ripoff of Alan Wake
Infamous rip off of ...... Halo
dam. I cannot think
oh and btw for you pc chumps mw3 will be better than bf3 and crysis. mw3 is gonna have destructible buildings, **** load of customization, better sniping, and wayyyy better graphics. CodXbox1998
u right
oh and btw for you pc chumps mw3 will be better than bf3 and crysis. mw3 is gonna have destructible buildings, **** load of customization, better sniping, and wayyyy better graphics. CodXbox1998
And little kids screaming over their mic.
[QUOTE="Inconsistancy"][QUOTE="CodXbox1998"] lol over 100,000 people dont play wii sports everyday, dumbass reserch before you post reteard. CodXbox1998Cite your sources then, buddy. :) i dont need to just play it and see it has more people playing. i told you its the best game of all time. I CANT STOP LAUGHING!!!
MW2 has a generic, too linear and stupid single player.
The online portion of the game is unblanced and borrows too heavily from COD4 which is why it is inferior to previous enteries in the series let alone games that actually try to be original.
oh and btw for you pc chumps mw3 will be better than bf3 and crysis. mw3 is gonna have destructible buildings, **** load of customization, better sniping, and wayyyy better graphics. CodXbox1998Ummm the Destructible buildings are scripted, and sniping in MW isn't really sniping, and I know your joking about the graphics.
MW2 has a generic, too linear and stupid single player.
The online portion of the game is unblanced and borrows too heavily from COD4 which is why it is inferior to previous enteries in the series let alone games that actually try to be original.
gtfo out this thread
logic isn't allowed
oh and btw for you pc chumps mw3 will be better than bf3 and crysis. mw3 is gonna have destructible buildings, **** load of customization, better sniping, and wayyyy better graphics. CodXbox1998You may need to see an optometrist, if you think the graphics are better. Better sniping, how so? Is bullet drop or even speed calculated?
Ummm the Destructible buildings are scripted, and sniping in MW isn't really sniping, and I know your joking about the graphics.[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]oh and btw for you pc chumps mw3 will be better than bf3 and crysis. mw3 is gonna have destructible buildings, **** load of customization, better sniping, and wayyyy better graphics. VensInferno
ew bleach gifs.
Ummm the Destructible buildings are scripted, and sniping in MW isn't really sniping, and I know your joking about the graphics.[QUOTE="VensInferno"]
[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]oh and btw for you pc chumps mw3 will be better than bf3 and crysis. mw3 is gonna have destructible buildings, **** load of customization, better sniping, and wayyyy better graphics. Snakemaster9
ew bleach gifs.
How can you not fall in love with Tia Harribles sexy outfit :o And Starrks amazing Cero shooters? :P[QUOTE="Snakemaster9"]
[QUOTE="VensInferno"] Ummm the Destructible buildings are scripted, and sniping in MW isn't really sniping, and I know your joking about the graphics.
ew bleach gifs.
How can you not fall in love with Tia Harribles sexy outfit :o And Starrks amazing Cero shooters? :PYesh.
Animations are nice.
But Franky wins.
ontopic. TC you didn't answer my question. what yo psn
[QUOTE="VensInferno"] Ummm the Destructible buildings are scripted, and sniping in MW isn't really sniping, and I know your joking about the graphics.
ew bleach gifs.
How can you not fall in love with Tia Harribles sexy outfit :oBecause its animated. Now if it were real, that would be a different story :D
MW2 has a generic, too linear and stupid single player.
The online portion of the game is unblanced and borrows too heavily from COD4 which is why it is inferior to previous enteries in the series let alone games that actually try to be original.
gtfo out this thread
logic isn't allowed
mah bad dwag *bangs head against wall to decrease iq* yo peple, mw2 is teh best game i eva played cuz n e 1 can b gd at it, no skillz kneeded, jst ply 4 a hour or 2 nd u get used 2 da simp-lic-a-t of it nd get 2 da top of da scoreboard. Am I doing it right?I don't know about you guys but, chicks dig guys who are prestiged in MW2. They just fall for them. Like one of my friends walked up to this hot cheerleader and said one line " Im 10th prestige with golden guns" And were dating ever since.
Xbox has better games such as halo and gears while ps3 games are all rip offs lbp (mario) uncharted (gears of war) killzone (halo) mgs (splinter cell) infamous (prototype) and gta (forza). also, 360 has wayyyyy better graphics. ps3 doesnt come with a hd drive and bluray is **** no one uses it. 360 has cross game chat and better online. psn is all laggy and **** and it was down for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 360 gets maps first. suck it ps3 trolls and fanboys. xbox4life. CodXbox1998
gta (forza)
gta (forza)
gta (forza)
gta (forza)
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