MW2 has a generic, too linear and stupid single player.
The online portion of the game is unblanced and borrows too heavily from COD4 which is why it is inferior to previous enteries in the series let alone games that actually try to be original.
gtfo out this thread
logic isn't allowed
mah bad dwag *bangs head against wall to decrease iq* yo peple, mw2 is teh best game i eva played cuz n e 1 can b gd at it, no skillz kneeded, jst ply 4 a hour or 2 nd u get used 2 da simp-lic-a-t of it nd get 2 da top of da scoreboard. Am I doing it right?no its like.
cod iz da bst seriz i evar plyed cuz iz gotz haier scores on metcriticz and wii scuks
xbox4life ps3sucks
You did it right. I did it wrong. Lol
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