The Nintendo Wii has two awesome games: Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brawl. Those are the only 2 awesome games in the system, and I doubt there will be more in the future. As you can see the fuel that drives the Wii is starting to run out: the strongest tittles have already been out to the market in less than a year, Nintendo is unable to give customers good AA games, lacks any interesting multiplayer environment, and someday people will realize graphics are important for gaming...
The Xbox 360 has 2 years in the market, and it has many exclusive and awesome games: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Forza Motorsport 2 (which actually comes for free), and Bioshock. And those are only console/PC exclusive, I can also name: Call of Duty 4, Oblivion, Orange Box, Rainbow Six, Assassin's Creed, Burnout Paradise all AAA games that are not in the Wii. Plus the 360 has HUNDREDS of GREAT AA games: Dead Rising, Saints Row, Eternal Sonata, Project Gotham Racing, Crackdown, GRAW 1 & 2, Command & Conquer 3, Lost Odyssey, Devil May Cry 4, Viva Piñata, to name a few.
The Xbox 360 has a future. We can see Halo Wars being created by what's probably the greatest RTS developer that's not Blizzard. There's also Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden II and Fallout 3.
To give you my honest opinion, Wii will die this year, as the PS3 and 360 prices for down and people see the quality they are getting for probably the same price.
PD: Sorry I did not mention PS3, but he IS only attacking the 360...
I love how you mention that Assassin's Creed is an "awesome" game, but totally ignore some "awesome" exclusives for the Wii, like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, and many other titles.
The Wii is going to die at the end of the year? Funny, I remember hearing the exact same thing last year. Face it: The Wii is here to stay, and it will continue crushing the 360 and PS3.
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