[QUOTE="ActicEdge"] [QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]It looks alright... For a 2D game. If you're trying to compare this to something like Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, or Killzone 2 you'll end up getting owned.princeofshapeir
Why is that? What about those games is so much more appealing, I'll be the first to admit those games look great technically, but art wise, Muramasa looks much better in my opinion. Further more, how many 2D games look better than Muramasa?
You'd have to be nuts to think that Muramasa looks more appealing than RE5. Heck, even BRAWL looks better than this 2D hack-n-slash.
If you told me Muramasa was for the DS or PSP, I'd believe you. The fact that they're putting out a side-scroller that would look good on a handheld is simply laughable.
Biohazard looks great and I like the look better than Muramasa but if I said the other way around I would not be nuts at all. Muramasa is visually stunning and its a complete insult to think anything like Muramasa could be acheived on any of the handhelds. Also, what does brwal have to do with this. You are comparing technical aspects and throwing away art. To achieve the look of Muramasa is incredibly difficult, you have no clue how hard it is. You're tryng to force your opinion down my throat by telling me I'm nuts to like bight colors and visual sway over hyper realism and steroid injected men in super dusty looking areas. Muramasa on a handheld, thats laughable.
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