[QUOTE="mattbbpl"][QUOTE="insanejedi"][QUOTE="-General_Ram-"] Wii is actually growing the industry. Its gonna help bring gaming next to other widely accepted mediums such as Music and movies.
Now, gaming is still considered a hobby or something hardcore nerds play (thanks a lot WOW players!), but Wii is changing that.
What Wii is ruining....are games SPECIFICALLY geared for the hardcore.
No. Infact it's doing the exact opposite, it's backpedling the whole games=art thing. If the face of the game industry is Wii Sports and Wii fit, it doesn't help us be taken seriously with movies and music. What it does is puts us in a games=toys catagory where games are not taken seriously. The forefront runners of games in order to be taken seriously would have to be games like Braid, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assasins Creed (whatever your opinions may be), Indigo Prophicy, Beyond Good and Evil, and so forth. Games like this help the industry be taken seriously as an art form and almost 0 games do this on the wii, and those that do never gain the popularity to do so, even on enthusiest message boards like this one.
Do Rob Schneider films prevent films from being viewed as art?
What about Metallica albums preventing music from being viewed as art?
How about Anne Rice books preventing literature from being viewed as art?
Bad art is present in all mediums. It doesn't stunt the good art. It simply gives the more simple minded individuals something they like.
No, but Music, Movies, and books had literally centuries to prove that they were art. If I go out and ask someone is Movies/music/books as art, they would say a definate yes because the first thing that comes off of their minds Schindlers List/Godfather/Mozart/Bach/Beethoven/Ann Frank/Life Of Pi/Great Gatsby. Not Rambo or Hanna Montana, or whatever lame book that is tasteless and has no point to it. What I want is something that has been done to other mediums that took centuries, and do it in decades or less. For that we have to be more agressive, and you get blips here and their with games but there hasn't been a game that blew open the doors yet for people other than Grand Theft Auto 4 but you don't see people talking about the story of that. We were getting somewhere with the Xbox360 and still are in some respects, but that machine is no longer the industry leader to say and everyone can't stop playing Wii sports and eventually that's what people are going to image when you say video games.
If you want that direction, sure go ahead but that direction is not going to make video games budge in the buisness of art.
Those mediums underwent the same growing pains is, but the lack of casual games won't help it get through them any faster. It has nothing to do with the quality of what's coming out but acceptance of the medium.
And I think you're wrong. When the average Joe thinks of movies/music off the top of his head I'd bet money that most of them think of Spiderman and Metallica (current high popularity examples) over Schindler's list and Bach.
Basically, if you want gaming to avoid those growing pains quickly, you need exposure. Not a small quantity of high quality titles that a niche audience will experience.
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