[QUOTE="SolidTy"][QUOTE="Zhengi"]Wii's 3rd party is getting better, even if Nintendo's no longer delivering, also I'm playing a new game, called Wii Sales.Zhengi
Edited to make the post more concise.
My point is :
What is coming for ME TO PLAY from the creators of the BEST Wii Games? ZILCH.
If this thread was made last year, I would be You, and arguing against some fanboy. That's why I omitted Spring, because It's OVER. I already played MarioKart and SSBB. I have both of those. That's why I omited SPRING. As it's the past, we went through it, it was long ago.
The Wii's 3rd parties may be getting BETTER as you put it, BUT it's not BETTER than the 360/PS3, by far. That's what matters to a gamer like me.
Finally, Sony has a TON of 1st party games, that are high quality. They set a pretty good standard, because they KEEP THEM COMING. M$, though, doesn't do as well but THEY STILL KEEP EM COMING. Then they got better 3rd party support, and the rest is history.
Is the Wii Improving with 3rd parties? Sure.
Is it good enough? Not imo, but when you consider the 1st party went AWOL, that really STINGS.
You point out that M$ and Sony rely on 3rd parties, but at least they get the best ones. Furthermore, many consider the BEST DEV to be Nintendo, and guess what, They went AWOL on EVERY WII OWNER since SUMMER, imo.
Really? So games you've played don't count anymore? Can we discount all the past games for the other consoles too?
And what do MS and Sony have for "ME TO PLAY" from the creators of the BEST 360 and PS3 games? Zilch. See I can do that too (even though it's the truth). Where does that leave us?
As for Sony's high quality first party games, are you talking about games like Lair? Heavenly Sword? Rachet and Clank? Those are your standards for high quality first party games on the PS3? Really? Uncharted is probably the game that qualifies for the standard you stated. Nintendo released a GOTY for 2007 and another AAA game this year in SSBB. There's only so much one company can do. It's more truthful to say that those games for Sony were in development before the PS3 bombed at launch. Now, they're coming out because the development for those games are finishing up. Sony having those third party games has absolutely nothing, zilch to do with their "high quality" first party titles that have been released.
As for the Wii's 3rd party games, yeah, they are good enough, imo. That's why I play games like MLB Power Pros, PES 2007, and No More Heroes. They are different from the norm and that's what many people look for.
Yeah, fall back onto 3rd parties. I know you can't bring yourself to criticize MS and Sony with the same exact reasons you are criticizing Nintendo. If those two didn't have 3rd parties, you'd wouldn't say a peep. That's what I find hypocritical about your arguments, especially after Nintendo has released more quality 1st party games than both MS and Sony.
That's the thing, they do. If they didn't, I would be praising Nintendo even more. BTW : Ratchet is 88% Critically, it's a good game. Anyways, This is the problem.
Assuming M$ and Sony weren't releasing any good 1st party stuff this holiday season (Which they are actually), they have the 3rd party's to back them up better than Nintendo.
I have NMH, it's great. Doesn't mean I'm going to play it forever, and skip games like MGS4, GeoW2, R2, LBP,etc.The same could be said last year, when I beat Metroid P3, SMG, Ratchet (88% Gameranking is awesome, despite what GS gave it), Uncharted, Halo 3.
Since the N64, people have noticed the obvious drop in 3rd parties from Nintendo. LUCKILY, for Nintendo fans, Nintendo's 1st quality titles were always there.Now, Nintendo is just not the same. I don't blame them, but they sold out.
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