@locopatho said:
@nintendoboy16 said:
Whoopity freaking do, an EA game missing the Wii U. Listen, I know third party sucks on the Wii U, but since 2013, f*** EA period.
(And yes, I am paying an EA published game, but that game released when I could still tolerate them and was obtained USED)
People get so emotional over EA. If you like their games, play them. If you don't, don't.
Man, I couldn't imagine boycotting them. In the 7th gen I would have missed Mass Effect trilogy, Dragon Age, Brutal Legend, Bulletstorm, Crysis trilogy (console versions), Orange Box (they published console edition), Dead Space trilogy, Burnout, Need For Speed, Mirror's Edge, Fifa, Dante's Inferno, even Boom Blox on Wii :P
They also did other AAA games I didn't play much/at all, like Skate and Rockband and many American sports.
And they have the upcoming Titanfall, Dragon Age 3, Mirror's Edge 2... they get voted worst company but hell, I don't work for them :P
Emotional over game companies? You mean... something almost everyone on this damn forum (or hell, on the internet, via YouTube, Twitter, GAF) does? (Myself included)
You realize simple business practices can screw things up for a lot of people, right? It wouldn't matter if the games were good.
Nintendo's region-encoding (which I myself want to see end), earlier censorship, reliance on their triforce (Mario/Zelda/Pokemon) or any of their legacy IP's unless if they haven't been seen in 10+ years, and alienation of third parties (and before you say, this is NOT to victimize them, it's an example of what happens). Capcom and their on-disc DLC tirade (that's what helped in ruining Street Fighter X Tekken, and I'm still bitter about that, since Capcom, unlike BioWare and the ME3 ending, didn't do jack about it). Ubisoft and their DRM practices in PC versions of multiplat games. Hell, I remember when Activision got the most hate for all they did in milking Guitar Hero (well, considering I liked III, World Tour, Metallica, and On Tour Decades, I wasn't phased by this all that much, although I know it still played a major part over-saturating the music/guitar genre) and CoD (looks like Skylanders is next), also when they sued Double Fine over Brutal Legend.
As for me and EA, I didn't boycott them last gen. I played games like Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, The Simpsons, Sims 2, Rock Band 2, MySims, Dead Space (which I haven't beat yet) and am recently getting into Mass Effect (as BioWare is a developer who's games I've never played prior to my recent playthrough of ME1), despite some of their BS back then. It wasn't until the Sim City fiasco that made me not want to buy any more of their recent stuff.
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