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Which is Better considering their game libraries and Overall Which Is Better.....MasterNumemonI like the SNES out of the five.
SNES for consistancy, that much is certain.
The N64 has some of the greatest titles ever released thanks to Nintendo's innovation into the 3D world.
the NES has a lot of titles, but hardly any of them stand strong today.
The Gamecube has some excelent software, but the system was plagued with problems with software.
The Wii has yet to see the best of its days.
The wii will probably move up by the end of this gen.
EDIT: If you count backwards compatibility, the VC, and Wiiware the wii comes out on top. I can play litterally every console Zelda game on my wii (Zelda Collector's Disc, Master Quest, and ALttP on VC)
1.)NES-Super mario...
2.)SNES-Fianl fantasy III
3.)Gamecube-Super mario sunshine and plaenty of great games
3.)N64-Super mario64
5.)Wii-This system is Awful, the library are mostly shovelwares and kiddy gaesm, I wouldn't be caught dead owning that toy.
[QUOTE="MasterNumemon"]I think that the Gamecube was the best because of RE4Guybrush_3
RE4 wii is better
It had a Missing Chainsaw animation and was a portokay, let's tackle this logically, shall we?
the Wii plays all GC games. it also plays Wii games. so it's better then the GC.
it has an extensive collection of NES games available on it's virtual console, with a list that is growing all the time. plus it plays GC games and Wii games. so it must be better then the NES, too.
Now, the SNES collection on the VC isn't as good yet as the NES collection, but I think the fact that the Wii also has a ton of Genesis games kinda makes up for that. plus it plays NES, GC and Wii games. so, I would say it's at least as good as the SNES. But I really, really liked the SNES back in the day (and a lot of my favourite RPGs still only exist in 16-bit cartridge form). So, I'm gonna give the edge to the SNES on this one.
The N64 was quite good. But it wasn't my favourite of it's day. I played my PS1 far more often. And of course, many of the best games for it are available on the VC (but i wish there were more of them). Still, gotta give it to the Wii.
So, out of those 5, I think it should go: SNES, Wii, N64, NES, GC. With GC last because now that the Wii exists, we don't really need the console anymore.
IMO, of course.
okay, let's tackle this logically, shall we?
the Wii plays all GC games. it also plays Wii games. so it's better then the GC.
it has an extensive collection of NES games available on it's virtual console, with a list that is growing all the time. plus it plays GC games and Wii games. so it must be better then the NES, too.
Now, the SNES collection on the VC isn't as good yet as the NES collection, but I think the fact that the Wii also has a ton of Genesis games kinda makes up for that. plus it plays NES, GC and Wii games. so, I would say it's at least as good as the SNES. But I really, really liked the SNES back in the day (and a lot of my favourite RPGs still only exist in 16-bit cartridge form). So, I'm gonna give the edge to the SNES on this one.
The N64 was quite good. But it wasn't my favourite of it's day. I played my PS1 far more often. And of course, many of the best games for it are available on the VC (but i wish there were more of them). Still, gotta give it to the Wii.
So, out of those 5, I think it should go: SNES, Wii, N64, NES, GC. With GC last because now that the Wii exists, we don't really need the console anymore.
IMO, of course.
\ NO IT ISNT OMG The Wii can Play Gamecube games but THEY ARE GAMECUBE GAMES......................... the fact you Play them on the Wii is why Gamecube > Wii.[QUOTE="-starman-"]\ NO IT ISNT OMG The Wii can Play Gamecube games but THEY ARE GAMECUBE GAMES......................... the fact you Play them on the Wii is why Gamecube > Wii.okay, let's tackle this logically, shall we?
the Wii plays all GC games. it also plays Wii games. so it's better then the GC.
it has an extensive collection of NES games available on it's virtual console, with a list that is growing all the time. plus it plays GC games and Wii games. so it must be better then the NES, too.
Now, the SNES collection on the VC isn't as good yet as the NES collection, but I think the fact that the Wii also has a ton of Genesis games kinda makes up for that. plus it plays NES, GC and Wii games. so, I would say it's at least as good as the SNES. But I really, really liked the SNES back in the day (and a lot of my favourite RPGs still only exist in 16-bit cartridge form). So, I'm gonna give the edge to the SNES on this one.
The N64 was quite good. But it wasn't my favourite of it's day. I played my PS1 far more often. And of course, many of the best games for it are available on the VC (but i wish there were more of them). Still, gotta give it to the Wii.
So, out of those 5, I think it should go: SNES, Wii, N64, NES, GC. With GC last because now that the Wii exists, we don't really need the console anymore.
IMO, of course.
Wait, what? But with the Wii I can play all those great GameCube games AND all the new one's for the Wii. Why would anyone, in 2008, own a GC if they didn't already have one?
If the Xbox only played Xbox games, and the PlayStation played PS games AND Xbox games NO ONE would own an Xbox and everyone would say the PS is superior. It would be able to do more.
Ignoring the fact that the Wii can play many of the best games for all of its past systems is denying one of the consoles best features.
[QUOTE="Guybrush_3"][QUOTE="MasterNumemon"]I think that the Gamecube was the best because of RE4MasterNumemon
RE4 wii is better
It had a Missing Chainsaw animation and was a port missing animation? who cares. its a port of a superb game with the best and most critically acclaimed controls. best graphics from the cube, extra content from ps2, its the definitive versionIMO,
1. NES(Super Mario Bros, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Blaster Master, Duck Hunt, Castlevania, Megaman, The Legend of Zelda, Punch Out!, Contra, Ninja Gaiden)
2. N64(Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Pokemon Stadium, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong 64, Starfox, Paper Mario, Rayman: TGE, Conker's, Super Mario Kart, 1080º, Banjo)
3. Gamecube(Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, RE 4, Baten Kaitos, Eternal Darkness, REmake, Killer 7, Animal Crossing(technically N64), ToS, Pikmin)
4. SNES(Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi's Island, Chrono, Final Fantasy III, Secret of Mana)
5. Wii(Wii Sports, SSB Brawl, No More Heroes, Super Mario Galaxy, Wario SM, FE: RD, Disaster)
I'm only naming trully groundbreaking original IPs and vastly improved sequels(For their time). IMO Super Mario World, A link to the Past and Super Metroid don't qualify as " vastly improved sequels" because they don't improve enough over the original IP(just more depth and better graphics) even though I still love those games to death for what they did in their time and for the sake of nostalgia.
[QUOTE="MasterNumemon"][QUOTE="Guybrush_3"]It had a Missing Chainsaw animation and was a port missing animation? who cares. its a port of a superb game with the best and most critically acclaimed controls. best graphics from the cube, extra content from ps2, its the definitive version It lost atmosphere by keeping your Head on During the Chainsaw animation So no It was the definitive version...................RE4 wii is better
[QUOTE="Nintendo_Man"]N64>SNES>>NES>>>GC>>WiiSOedipusHaha, I beat you. High five.
I have a freakish habit of posting the same thing as someone else at the same time. Just never seems to stop happening :lol:
Its great to see someone who has great taste.
[QUOTE="MasterNumemon"][QUOTE="-starman-"]\ NO IT ISNT OMG The Wii can Play Gamecube games but THEY ARE GAMECUBE GAMES......................... the fact you Play them on the Wii is why Gamecube > Wii.okay, let's tackle this logically, shall we?
the Wii plays all GC games. it also plays Wii games. so it's better then the GC.
it has an extensive collection of NES games available on it's virtual console, with a list that is growing all the time. plus it plays GC games and Wii games. so it must be better then the NES, too.
Now, the SNES collection on the VC isn't as good yet as the NES collection, but I think the fact that the Wii also has a ton of Genesis games kinda makes up for that. plus it plays NES, GC and Wii games. so, I would say it's at least as good as the SNES. But I really, really liked the SNES back in the day (and a lot of my favourite RPGs still only exist in 16-bit cartridge form). So, I'm gonna give the edge to the SNES on this one.
The N64 was quite good. But it wasn't my favourite of it's day. I played my PS1 far more often. And of course, many of the best games for it are available on the VC (but i wish there were more of them). Still, gotta give it to the Wii.
So, out of those 5, I think it should go: SNES, Wii, N64, NES, GC. With GC last because now that the Wii exists, we don't really need the console anymore.
IMO, of course.
Wait, what? But with the Wii I can play all those great GameCube games AND all the new one's for the Wii. Why would anyone, in 2008, own a GC if they didn't already have one?
If the Xbox only played Xbox games, and the PlayStation played PS games AND Xbox games NO ONE would own an Xbox and everyone would say the PS is superior. It would be able to do more.
Ignoring the fact that the Wii can play many of the best games for all of its past systems is denying one of the consoles best features.
The price differential between the two is quite large - $30 (cheaper if you buy used) vs. $250 (minimum). If no Wii games interest someone, it would be far more economical to just buy a gamecube. But, either way, I think the spirit of the thread was asking how the games library specifically designed for each console compared with each other, not a comparison of backwards compatibility.
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="MasterNumemon"] It had a Missing Chainsaw animation and was a portMasterNumemonmissing animation? who cares. its a port of a superb game with the best and most critically acclaimed controls. best graphics from the cube, extra content from ps2, its the definitive version It lost atmosphere by keeping your Head on During the Chainsaw animation So no It was the definitive version................... that can't possible change an entire experience with a game. you're intending solely to annoy other posters. the great gameplay is the same, the controls are better. oh, well no point arguing with you. if that makes the experience different to you, you didnt play the game.
[QUOTE="MasterNumemon"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] missing animation? who cares. its a port of a superb game with the best and most critically acclaimed controls. best graphics from the cube, extra content from ps2, its the definitive versiondarth-pyschosisIt lost atmosphere by keeping your Head on During the Chainsaw animation So no It was the definitive version................... that can't possible change an entire experience with a game. you're intending solely to annoy other posters. the great gameplay is the same, the controls are better. oh, well no point arguing with you. if that makes the experience different to you, you didnt play the game. I did It was a Good port Unlike the other ones but not as Good as the original
IMO it is
But that could change because I went by how many games I have for the Consoles.
But GCN is my favorite console of all time.
But I have 20 GCN games, 19 NES games, 17 N64 games, 15 SNES games, and 15 Wii games.
For me, it's the SNES, Wii, NES, GC, N64.
They're all great and I feel bad putting the N64 las because it some of the best games of all time, but there just wern't enough. That was the era Nintendo lost me and I went to Sony. The N64 controller was one of the worst designs ever (still very functional though) and not movig to CDs was just a big mistake.
Today, it's reversed. Sony's PS3 has lost me and now I'm back to Nintendo.
SNES > N64 > GC = Wii
That's how I'm seeing it. Although I don't own a Wii yet, base off the games I want, it looks about on par with the Cube.
LOL at the people who say
"SNES, then WII last" its like saying "hey i HATE the wii and i dont own one so its last, even if i didnt play GCN or NES" :P
N64 (awesomeness, best console yet, closely followed by ps2 and wii)
Wii (it still has some years of its lifespain so i guess it CAN catch up to ps2 and maybe even N64)
NES (coool)
SNES (awesome)
GCN (didnt play it :( sadly)
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