Now you see, said angelreborn8. the only argument you can make about the wii is it not having games, and bad graphics but let me show you why the Nintendo Wii owns all the rest. said angelreborn8. I'm not trying to Flame so you can all post Ur appropriate opinions.
Sales:xbox 360- 10.3 million (been out for about 2 years), Ps3-3.61mill (about 8 months), Wii -8.85mill (about 8 months)
Now those are the average sales since this console madness started. said angelreborn8. 360 has been out for almost 2 years and the wii for about 8 months and the Wii is already catching up to the 360 in due time the wii will be #1. There is no need for me to even argue about ps3 because just look at their sales xD. said angelreborn8
Manufacturing:for the ps3 it took about $800 (estimate), Xbox 360 about $375 (estimate), and the Wii $150 (estimate)Now, said angelreborn8. The ps3 it takes so much money to make but so much more time to sell. thats why it will fail. The xBox 360 is made with an average budget but as you all know and if you dont know the 360 is known to break down ( those of you who are saying "yea but my 360 is still alive" talk to me in a year buddy and i bet it will be dead). Now the wii. The wii is the most cheaply made right? then why does it last long than the Xbox360? Because the Wii is more reliable. Cheaper the better? said angelreborn8.
now the Game-play. Hold Ur pants I'm not talking about games its about Controllers. Ps3 and Xbox360 both have the simple controller, you hold,you sit, you mash buttons, you gain weight. For the Wii you can have a party with the control. Must i say more?
If you actually read the whole thing thanks for reading. Again I'm not here to Flame only prove a point so you may post your own appropriate opinions. I know i didn't mention all the topics but i didn't have enough time. If their is anything i missed or anything i got wrong please post it and stay tune for another episode of Angelreborn8. COMMING SOON (Online Surfing,Games...Much More)
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