[QUOTE="evilross"][QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="evilross"] To all the folks saying that the Wii is growing the industry. Guess what? It's not.
The only thing that the Wii grows is NIntendo's pocketbook, and the proof is in the breakdown of whats selling, and who's buying it.
Lots of people are buying a Wii, but for the industry to actually be growing, those people that bought a Wii would have to become gamers, and buy more software, other systems, and actually play games. This is not happening.
Wii software does not sale nearly as well as PS3 or 360 software, and the only thing that makes the software look like its even in the same ballpark as the other consoles is that sales numbers include Wii-Play as a game, when its actually bought for a controller.
There are games that have sold well on the Wii like SSBB, that sell to the userbase of actual gamers that own a Wii and are desperate for something to play. But the sales prove that people that have bought into Nintendo's "get rich quick scheme" buy the Wii as a tech gadget, or a toy, and not for the purpose of a gaming console. Wii hasnt converted millions of new people to being gamers, its just sold itself to those people, who use it for a week, the put it away until a party, or the relatives come over and bring their kids.
This is a system that is not doing anything positive of the industry as a whole, only bankrolling Nintendo so they can stay viable as a competitor in a home console in the future.
The Wii is not converting ANYONE to becoming a gamer. If anything its reinforcing the mainstream stereotypes of games, and tearing down progress in gaming as a legitimate entertainment medium for adults. People new to games play the Wii, enjoy it for a bit, but see how shallow the experience is compared to TV, Film, or other such entertainment mediums and think "Its a kids toy, adults that play this games regularly must have social problems" Then they put the think away, and maybe dust it off once a month if even that.
Say what you want Wii-gamers, but don't try to kid yourself about why the Wii is popular. Any game that you find fun is worth buying and playing, and I'm not saying people that enjoy Nintendo games shouldn't buy a Wii. But the truth is that the direction Nintendo is trying to move the indusrty is bad for gamers, bad for games, and bad for the industry as a whole. If your actually posting on this forum, then your obviously a gamer, and care about games, the quality of them, and the future of the industry. You need to understand that the only person benefiting from the Wii is Nintendo.
Article: Wii Attachment ratio is better then PS3's
By the way my parents, brother, and Grandpa all bought a Wii and none of them have ever even considered video games before. I can find some links about Grandma's playing Wii bowling if you want.
Good job quoting a Nintendo fan site as your source.
The New York Times says your wrong.
The Wii is not converting anyone to being gamers and buying gaming software, thus supporting independent studios, and the industry as a whole.
Here is the same numbers from Joystiq:
In addition the tie in ratios listed on that New York Times articale are games purchased per console per year. The numbers listed in this articale are straight tie in ratio which is obvously more important. The numbers from Joystiq are straight from NPD numbers. In other words I'm right your wrong.
Like I said in the other post, those attach rates are offset by not only the inclusion of Wii-Play, but also Wii-Sports as a purchase when buying the system.
The Wedbush Morgan software attach ratio is compiled as a per-year buy ratio, and reflects the actual purchasing of software by consumers.
I'm getting really tired of arguing this same crap with sheep, its not only pointless, but tiring. Believe what you will, see what you want to see.
Wii is not converting new people to games, Wii is not selling software for game developers, and Wii is not expanding the industry, its only benefiting Nintendo.
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