Well I'm going to take another kick at the can here. This thread is not about WiiFit in a literal sense. It's not about whether or not WiiFit is a game, or worth the money, or whether you can get fit playing WiiFit (although I would say it is pretty evident that in WiiFit you can, in fact, get fit). The reason WiiFit is so important is that it is going to be the starting point for a new era of gaming. WiiFit is gaming's Napster, it's going to turn the industry on its head and completely shift the gaming paradigm. Much like Napster there will probably be some growing pains, WiiFit will no doubt lead to a number of imitators and knock offs. But when all is said and done, WiiFit will change the gaming landscape for the better. It will force the industry to innovate and move forward, rather than pumping out sequel after sequel, knock off after knock off, update after update. That is why it is so important.PBSnipes
That is the truth brother. People are so literal in their interpretation of the thread title, it is not WiiFit that is important but the way the game is played and its implications for the future. I'm glad some people here are intelligent enough to look at things from a bigger perspective, instead of reducing everything to a 'hardcore/casual' argument. I see no reason why I cannot enjoy WiiFit and then go and play Okami or No More Heroes or GTAIV the next day.
Gaming is just a load of kiddy nonsense at the moment, as fantastic as GTA is it is also a massive wake-up call as to how far our industry needs to go if this is a flagship title. We still haven't gained full acceptance in the mainstream, nevermind even dreaming about it being regarded as an art-form any time soon.
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