[QUOTE="Shift05"][QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="opex07"][QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="opex07"] [QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="opex07"]You cant even DL demos with the Wii, which is pretty much standard on everyother system.xcot
coming soon.... and it doesn't change a thing.It cant be the Best in something if its lacking in most areas, Demos, Trailers, Movies, original content, etc.. and since the Wii has no HDD and that doesnt seem to be changing anytime soon, I dont see many of these things changing.
all of those pale in comparison to it's games that it offers.You mean VC games, which are pretty much direct ports of old Nintendo titles with no change to them what so-ever? That somehow makes up for offering pretty much nothing else at this time? I hope you seriously don't considered that to be the best.
with Wiiware it truly is, i find it funny how people act like trailers are a good service from XBL when............... you can just view them on your Wii with the internet channel :|and to Talldude: first of all Wii does indeed let you play with other people, second of all it's free unike the XBL and finally, if you wanted to surf the net with a superior PC then why not D/L music,movies, and TV shows as well? :?
I dont understand why Wii owners act like Wiiware is something new, when PSN, and XBLA have had original content since the beginning. As for surfing the internet and watching videos, your not going to find videos in high quality like XBL and PSN offer (HD) or let alone full length videos. As well VC doesn't put PSN or XBL to shame. It has 1 more AAA title, and 6 more AA titles than XBLA. while XBLA adds content, achievements, online play, and sometimes even HD, while all VC has is straight ports for the most part. XBLA / PSN is a great deal more advanced in that respect. Putting something to shame would be like how XBL has 188 demos while Wii has 0, XBL has 137 game trailers while Wii has 1, XBL has 64 movies to Wii's 0, 20 TV series to Wii's 0. The Wii cant be the best when it offers nothing in so many areas.
Those few titles that are straight ports without new content, are not going to make up for how far behind the Wii is in all of the other downloadable content.
heres a few answers:
wii now has BBCiPlayer (all programs on bbc)
PSN has streaming capabilities as well, for a couple months now. XBL may be behind in this feature, but you can at least stream any video that is downloaded on your computer to your 360 / PSN.
everybody's nintendo channel owns xbl in trailers, it has trailers for every game..........
XBL has trailers for every game for the most part as well for movies, and TV shows, gameplay footage. Is "everybody's nintendo channel" even available outside of japan?
downloadable ds demos, not quite as good but still good.
XBL has demos for pretty much every game, including XBLA titles.
Wiiware hasn't even been released in the US yet, it doesnt compare to something XBL has had for 2 and a half years.
sorry but just look at the games that have been announced to launch with wiiware, it has so many great looking ones coming at launch
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