Black Ops is estimated to have been downloaded around 930,000 times on Xbox 360. Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii had over 1.47 million downloads, while Dante's Inferno(lol) took the top spot on Xbox 360 with 1.28 million downloads. Yea, piracy isn't bad on consoles. Its a problem but no where near on the level of PC. Indeed,but consoles also have the used games market,wich apparently some developers already consider to be a problem almost as big as piracy,if not bigger,and they´re already taking some measures against it,and that´s most likely just the beggining.[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="sethman410"] For a 360 game. Yup. On pc, it has a lot more affect of course. *LOoks at Crysis*WilliamRLBaker
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