just topping GT5's sales and soon to be uncharted 3 sales? combined?nope
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Of course not :?
Gears 3 will sell alot but Uncharted 3 alone will be pretty close.
This. If you think Gears is that big, you are simply wrong.
I don't know about combined, but considering the overall lack of choice in games amongst the 360, I'd say it is going to sell really well.
Of course not :?
Gears 3 will sell alot but Uncharted 3 alone will be pretty close.
This. If you think Gears is that big, you are simply wrong.
Gears of War series is big. Gears 1 and 2 each sold over 5 million.Uncharted is no slacker either. Uncharted 2 was closing in on 4 million 9 months ago. (If VGChartz is to be believed, it's 4.65 now.) In all likelyhood, Gears 3 will outsell Uncharted 3.... but to posit that Gears 3 will outsell all the 2011 PS3 exclusives combined is utterly ridiculous. Even if Gears beats Uncharted by a million or two copies, between LBP2, KZ3, Yak 4, MLB11, Socom 4, Motorstorm: Apocalypse, Infamous 2, Twisted Metal, and Resistance 3, there's at least 5-6 million units (LBP2 and KZ3 combined are around 3 million already).So yeah. Gears may be big... but outselling all PS3 exclusives combined this year? Its not THAT big.
Its possible since its the only game 360 camp has this year (excluding the kinect crap)
Forgot Forza I see. Kinect i see. Seriously this this game will have alot of aids. Have fun with it.Its possible since its the only game 360 camp has this year (excluding the kinect crap)
Forgot Forza I see. Kinect i see. Seriously this this game will have alot of aids. Have fun with it. It can be played completely without kinect. You can turn off all the aids.Gears of War series is big. Gears 1 and 2 each sold over 5 million.Uncharted is no slacker either. Uncharted 2 was closing in on 4 million 9 months ago. (If VGChartz is to be believed, it's 4.65 now.) In all likelyhood, Gears 3 will outsell Uncharted 3.... but to posit that Gears 3 will outsell all the 2011 PS3 exclusives combined is utterly ridiculous. Even if Gears beats Uncharted by a million or two copies, between LBP2, KZ3, Yak 4, MLB11, Socom 4, Motorstorm: Apocalypse, Infamous 2, Twisted Metal, and Resistance 3, there's at least 5-6 million units (LBP2 and KZ3 combined are around 3 million already).[QUOTE="Elann2008"]
This. If you think Gears is that big, you are simply wrong.
So yeah. Gears may be big... but outselling all PS3 exclusives combined this year? Its not THAT big.
I never said Uncharted series wasn't big. They are extremely popular games with merit to back it up too. And I never said Gears of War 3 could outsell all PS3 exclusives combined. If you actually went through all the posts in this thread, on the previous page, I specifically said: "I think Gears of War 3 will outsell all PS3 exclusives, but NOT combined."I wouldn't be surprised. Uncharted 2 didn't sell well at all. It seems like PS3 players only play COD And no, MW3 won't be touched and BF3 won't sell too well BodyElite
wow..i dont even know where to start......this will take sometime....
[QUOTE="BodyElite"]I wouldn't be surprised. Uncharted 2 didn't sell well at all. It seems like PS3 players only play COD And no, MW3 won't be touched and BF3 won't sell too well Elann2008Uncharted 2 sold pretty well, but it should have sold more considering how great the game was. I don't know what my fellow PS3 players were/are playing, but they missed out on an amazing game. UC2 didnt catch on until later due to the fact UC1 was a mixed reviewed game....UC2 grew in pop around feb/march when the cod addicts were looking into other games
Uncharted 2 sold pretty well, but it should have sold more considering how great the game was. I don't know what my fellow PS3 players were/are playing, but they missed out on an amazing game. UC2 didnt catch on until later due to the fact UC1 was a mixed reviewed game....UC2 grew in pop around feb/march when the cod addicts were looking into other games You're probably right on the climbing sales. I think a lot of people turned to UC2 because they were getting tired of the lack of great games at the time. UC1 is definitely the UC title that should have sold more. I think it ended up with, what? 2-3 mil? UC1 is still my favorite of the series.[QUOTE="Elann2008"][QUOTE="BodyElite"]I wouldn't be surprised. Uncharted 2 didn't sell well at all. It seems like PS3 players only play COD And no, MW3 won't be touched and BF3 won't sell too well eboyishere
UC2 didnt catch on until later due to the fact UC1 was a mixed reviewed game....UC2 grew in pop around feb/march when the cod addicts were looking into other games You're probably right on the climbing sales. I think a lot of people turned to UC2 because they were getting tired of the lack of great games at the time. UC1 is definitely the UC title that should have sold more. I think it ended up with, what? 2-3 mil? UC1 is still my favorite of the series. For some reason Sony can't make a franchise kick off into a killer app. Sure Uncharted 2 got crazy good scores, but it sold nowhere near games like Halo or Gears. And I won't even mention Killzone sales :P It's a shame really. I remember when I picked my U2 up from Best Buy on launch day. The shelves were stocked with copies. What the h*ll are PS3 gamers doing??[QUOTE="eboyishere"]
[QUOTE="Elann2008"] Uncharted 2 sold pretty well, but it should have sold more considering how great the game was. I don't know what my fellow PS3 players were/are playing, but they missed out on an amazing game. Elann2008
[QUOTE="Elann2008"]You're probably right on the climbing sales. I think a lot of people turned to UC2 because they were getting tired of the lack of great games at the time. UC1 is definitely the UC title that should have sold more. I think it ended up with, what? 2-3 mil? UC1 is still my favorite of the series. For some reason Sony can't make a franchise kick off into a killer app. Sure Uncharted 2 got crazy good scores, but it sold nowhere near games like Halo or Gears. And I won't even mention Killzone sales :P It's a shame really. I remember when I picked my U2 up from Best Buy on launch day. The shelves were stocked with copies. What the h*ll are PS3 gamers doing??[QUOTE="eboyishere"]UC2 didnt catch on until later due to the fact UC1 was a mixed reviewed game....UC2 grew in pop around feb/march when the cod addicts were looking into other games
That's a shame. I wonder what they're doing too. :P
For some reason Sony can't make a franchise kick off into a killer app. Sure Uncharted 2 got crazy good scores, but it sold nowhere near games like Halo or Gears. And I won't even mention Killzone sales :P It's a shame really. I remember when I picked my U2 up from Best Buy on launch day. The shelves were stocked with copies. What the h*ll are PS3 gamers doing??[QUOTE="BodyElite"][QUOTE="Elann2008"] You're probably right on the climbing sales. I think a lot of people turned to UC2 because they were getting tired of the lack of great games at the time. UC1 is definitely the UC title that should have sold more. I think it ended up with, what? 2-3 mil? UC1 is still my favorite of the series.
That's a shame. I wonder what they're doing too. :P
like everyother platform playing the latest cod
No chance imho. PS3 exclusives combined will be well over 12 milion at least.
btw. funny thing I just noticed: If the topic stated "Will all 360 exclusives combined outsell every 2011 PS3 exclusive combined", the meaning would be exactly the same! :D
I don't see why people forget forza 4 which is also coming out this year.No chance imho. PS3 exclusives combined will be well over 12 milion at least.
btw. funny thing I just noticed: If the topic stated "Will all 360 exclusives combined outsell every 2011 PS3 exclusive combined", the meaning would be exactly the same! :D
It'll outsell Uncharted 3 easily.Of course not :?
Gears 3 will sell alot but Uncharted 3 alone will be pretty close.
[QUOTE="BlbecekBobecek"]I don't see why people forget forza 4 which is also coming out this year.No chance imho. PS3 exclusives combined will be well over 12 milion at least.
btw. funny thing I just noticed: If the topic stated "Will all 360 exclusives combined outsell every 2011 PS3 exclusive combined", the meaning would be exactly the same! :D
Yeah, sorry, how could I forget about Forza. 360 is all about Gears... and Forza.
(hope I didnt forget about anything this time - did I mention Forza and Gears?)
I thought it was common knowledge by now tht ps3 exclusives dont explode out the gate, mainly due to the fact that its userbase has a sheer amount of games at its disposal at any quater during the year. Unlike thier 360 counterparts who are literally starved on exclusive content throuhgout the entire year until the Fall, If no one has the seen the partern, sit up and take notice its quite clever by microsoft. It means that these BI-annual franchisesgetto sell ganagbusters as our american friends would SAY:)
Which franchises keep taking turns every other year?
Plenty of PS3 games to provide competition. Even the ever-so-bashed InFamous 2, which in all seriousness is a must-buy.
Real gamers? WTH are you doing in System wars dude :lol:Who cares? real gamers play games not sales.
Of course not :?
Gears 3 will sell alot but Uncharted 3 alone will be pretty close.
Uncharted will be lucky to see 5-6 million.
Gears will be like to see 5.5-6.5 million[QUOTE="Elann2008"]You're probably right on the climbing sales. I think a lot of people turned to UC2 because they were getting tired of the lack of great games at the time. UC1 is definitely the UC title that should have sold more. I think it ended up with, what? 2-3 mil? UC1 is still my favorite of the series. For some reason Sony can't make a franchise kick off into a killer app. Sure Uncharted 2 got crazy good scores, but it sold nowhere near games like Halo or Gears. And I won't even mention Killzone sales :P It's a shame really. I remember when I picked my U2 up from Best Buy on launch day. The shelves were stocked with copies. What the h*ll are PS3 gamers doing??[QUOTE="eboyishere"]UC2 didnt catch on until later due to the fact UC1 was a mixed reviewed game....UC2 grew in pop around feb/march when the cod addicts were looking into other games
GT5 sold over 7 million. Thats really good.
But seriously, UC2 deserved more sales. I bought it launch week and never played it. Finished it last month and I feel really stupid for waiting that long to experience that epic SP.
I dont think every person that owns a 360 is going to buy and if they did I dont think that would match the number of exclusives that have sold. wooooodeA true manticore...:o
Well that means outselling Infamous 2, Uncharted 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, Twisted Metal, Socom 4, Killzone 3, Resistance 3, MLB The Show, Disgaea 4, Tales of Graces F and a few other exclusives. So to answer your question I would say no because the sucess Uncharted 2 had will boost the sales of Uncharted 3. And people have waiting for a Twisted Metal PS3 which will also sell a lot too. So yea my final answer is no.
IN YO FACE !!!oillortLol.
This thread is kinda funny... "Uncharted 2 didn't sell" when it's maybe a million behind Gears 2, which has been on the market longer and released to a higher install base... "Uncharted 3 won't be anywhere close to Gears 3," hmm... well... THAT happened...
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