@sts106mat said:
Look here cows, ^^^^^^^
that is how you do preemptive damage control.
No that is how you own sad lemming who make excuses to defend MS..lol
@delta3074 said:
They have not released there sales numbers because it is not time to release them yet, simple logic, it's only been 3 months since they last revealed there last QUARTERLY sales figures for the Xbone, i also takes time to collate the information and numbers needed to release those figures, if they didn't release there Quarterly (3 monthly sales figures) after 6 months then i could see the TC's point but we are only 3 months and 2-3 days since they released there last quarterly sales figures.
Are people on here that dense that that don't realise that quarterly means just that, every 3 month,s and it's only been about 3 months.
Saying MS is hiding there figures for the Xbone is just a baseless assumption thought up by bored fanboys who will look for any shred of absolutely anything they can use to badmouth a product they don't like.
'OMG itz 2 dayz over 3 months MS must be hiding there quaterly sales figures'
They are not releasing sales numbers because they are hiding them.
They talk about numbers 3 times in succession,on Launch before the xbox one was even 24 hours old,to claim 1 million in 24 hours..lol
On December 11 to claim 2 million units.
and on December 31 to claim 3 million sold,in basically 1 month and a few days they talk about sales 3 times,yet from January to April they have say nothing new,nothing,then come NPD January which was horrible,and February where they did better,march still on the air,and still no numbers.
Funny that bold part because it took them less than 24 hours to claim 1 million units sold..lol
I just proved with links that they do give numbers when everything is going fine,but as soon as the bad times start they hold and they did.
Hell you know what i 't think you will hear about sales numbers any more,from now on it would probably be shipped numbers,so that they can look better,claiming we shipped 5.5 million units while people like you and Stormy hold tied to that number 1 million + units still sit on store shelves just like it happen this pas December when they shipped 3.9 million but only 3 million sold.
You know they were doing by just looking at NPD.
Less than 400K in US in 2 months isn't great,specially when outside US the xbox one is bombing.
MS is very clever and they would try to hide anything that show the xbox one as weak vs the PS4 saying we sold 3.5 million in February 20 is not something MS will want to do specially whit sony racking up numbers fast,because that spread even more the idea that the PS4 is winning and stir the market even more.
@delta3074 said:
You clearly know nothing about how business works, i do, thats why i have a btec national diploma in business and finance and you don't, a company or division can be in the red but they are still making profit.
Let me explain it for you tormentos, A company can be in the red overall but if the amount of money they are making is greater than there operating costs and overheads then the company is considered to be IN profit
Profit (defintion)
'a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something'
The xbox division at that time was Making more money than it cost to Produce or operate the 360 hence they where in profit..
just FOCUS on the Definition of PROFIT i posted and then think about what you said.
Firs of all save it,the xbox one loss 7+ billion dollars which MS hasn't make back period,analyst are accusing MS or hiding xbox losses with money won from Android patents,MS was accuse of doing the same with poor Surface sales and losses.
Look at it now MS claimed that they would make a small profit or brake even with the xbox one,now how do you think that will happen when Titanfall is been given free,Titanfall isn't a MS owned game is a Respawn game publish by EA,so every bundle MS sold with it,money goes into EA and Respawn pockets and while i am sure $60 will not be a cool $20 or $25 per unit will be,add that MS has been advertising this game probably in what can be consider as an Halo scale advertisement campaign how much money do you think they are making now per unit.? Oh and that doesn't include the 30 pound drop in price in UK,remember UK earning are convert to dollars when they come back to MS,so a 70+ pound deal MS is offering in UK is a nasty $100 + when your translate that back to dollars.
So i think is this very moment MS is actually losing money on the xbox one.
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