[QUOTE="karasill"] While your use of those animated gifs is amusing, it is starts to get annoying. Grow up maybe? Half Life 2 from a technical level is inferior to the likes of new games such as Crysis, Gears, Uncharted, etc, but it is by no means "not good" as you put it. When I look at Half Life 2, I see great texture work, great lighting, great animation, etc. I realize it's not cutting edge and more then a handful of games are better technically, but to say the graphics aren't good from a technical level is going too far, especially with the likes of Episode 2 which does have HDR, motion blur, redone texture work, etc.
I never commented about the Elebits comment you made, and you don't mention at what cost the devs had to pay to get decent physics in Elebits. The texture work is simple as well as the geometry, and the framerate can bog down into the teens quite often in the outdoor levels (something which Half Life 2 has a lot of). The Wii was struggling with that game mid way. (I do own the game)
Grow up? For what, approaching a board whose purpose is to argue about video games (a fun but triffling matter) with a sense of humor, and on April Fools Day no less? And I'm the one who needs to grow up? I think not. Now your comments on Half-Life 2's graphics reveals something: the power of style. Compared to more modern games, the textures, the lighting, the other touches are themselves nothing special, but they come together to look great. Why? Because they're put together with great style. That's what I'm complimenting here, and what I believe to be of greater importance. After all, the texture work in Hour of Victory is superior to the texture work in Half-Life 2, but yet Half-Life 2 looks so much better. Why? Style. The game has a certain aesthetic it's going for and it nails it. But you seem to disregard this. This impression of mine is furthered by your comments on Elebits. Simple textures and geometry? That's the style it's going for, it's a cell-shaded game. Not every game need to aim for realism. That's boring. Please, be more considerate of style in the future when considering "graphics". As for the technical issues with Elebits, it's a Wii launch game. It was largely developed using an early Wii SDK, which was nothing more than a GameCube with a Wiimote & Nunchuck attached. In otherwords, for most, if not all, of Elebit's development it was made by only using basically half of the Wii's power. Now think of what it manages to accomplish with that. Suddenly the physics in Half-Life 2 go from seeming impossible to very possible. Then be annoying. I'll still reply to you. You know I should steal one of your gifs for this post..... *palm slap* I'm not arguing about the artistic side since that is all opinion based. I have always been referiing to the technical side and ONLY the technical side. From a technical side it is still good. Can you understand that? Elebits had simple textures and geometry simply because the Wii couldn't handle anything more while processing the physics, the proof is in the framerate. Also, read up on what Cell Shading is as Elebits does not have a cell shaded look. Don't confuse simple textures with cell shading. The Wind Waker, Jet Set Radio, and Killer 7 are prime examples of that.
Even if Elebits was made on a Gamecube, it doesn't explain the framerate drops on the Wii. I don't think the programmers would purposefully make the game have a lackluster framerate. That would be like designing a game based on old computer hardware and having it run "just okay" and then having the game run the same on newer hardware, it doesn't make sense. If Elebits has trouble on the Wii, I can't imagine what it was running like on the Gamecube.
Half Life 2 on the Wii could be done, but it realy wouldn't look all that better from the Xbox version. The Wii is more powerful then the Xbox but not by much. First of all the GPU in the Xbox is a little bit more powerful then the Wii's and does support shaders (something which Half Life 2 does use). The Wii version would probably have slightly better textures but nothing more. Want to know why? The Wii would have to run the game at a higher resolution (for widescreen) and also support 480p output. Both of these stress the GPU further thus negating any little extra horsepower the Wii offers over the Xbox.
The Wii version won't be pretty and will most likely have framerate problems much like the Xbox version, and overall just wouldn't be worth playing unless you wanted to play the game with the Wii-mote. Valve is better off making a new game on the Wii rather then porting a game that would get lackluster results due to dated hardware.
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