Resident Evil 4 was an amazing game.
All versions (apart from the dreaded PC version) scored above 9.
And Resident Evil 5 seems similar with the same over the shoulder view.
Now I haven't played Resident Evil 5 but Resident Evil 4 has got an eriness to at as it's set in a remote european village.
But I'm worried that Resident Evil 5 won't have this, solely because it's set during the day (for the most part I think).
And I don't know enough about the game as I haven't played the demo.
But does anyone else think that Resident Evil 5 may not be able to live up to Resident Evil 4?
Because Resi 4 was a pretty danm sweet game.
Resi 5 Gameplay
Resi 4 Gameplay
So what are your thoughts?
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