Oh my God. I have to give this speech to another Lemming. Here we go...
Ok, you ready? Ready?
Ok. Halo has its targeted fanbase. Mario has its targeted fanbase. Hijabs have their targeted userbase. Oxygen has its targeted userbase.
When Hijabs make great sales in muslim countries it's not an impressive thing. It's just something going according to plan
When people inhale oxygen...it's not an impressive thing...it's just something that's supposed to happen naturally.
When Mario sells to specifically targeted nostalgic audience that doesn't buy anything else...it's not impressive...it's just something going according to plan.
When Halo sells to specifially targeted audience that love games like gears, halo, cod and such it's not impressive because it's going according to plan. Those games were made to be bought by xbots. MS knows you guys don't want anything new. You like repetition and you don't buy New IPs like Alan Wake so they don't make those games. If you give a dog a treat and it rushes it, you shouldn't be so impressed..that's the plan. It's not impressive when Lems buy Halo because we all know you guys won't buy anything else. Your XBL was built on Halo, runs on Halo, and needs Halo. It's not impressive or a surprise. You're all predictable and MS has you all in the palm of their hands. They can literally keep the Xbox One selling and doing well for the next 8 years if they make a HALOTITANFALLFORZAGEARSPGR each year. And this isn't fiction, but a speculation drawn based on past patterns. So, you're not in the place to get cocky and make stupid threads like this.
Uncharted 2 came and took a huge dump on all your halo and gears in terms of ratings. THAT'S ICONIC AND IMPRESSIVE.
Uncharted 2 has memorable moments like Sully's 'Hooker in church" or "Elena Fisher Last year's model" all your stupid Halo has is hey do you remember when I threw a Grenade at XXX_Killrobots and ran away? And then did it again for another billion times cause I'm not that smart?
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