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Funny how you responded to this person but not me after my discussion of the irony of you calling Sony scared and the facts i put about M$ being the truly scared ones. haha. I guess if I got owned I would be silent too You mentioned that the console wars will be won on games and features. Funny how M$ holds all those feautures on xone behind the gold paywall and Sony doesnt hide the features of ps4 behind the plus paywall isn't it??[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="RR360DD"]
Except its not better. It may have a slight advantage in specs, but did the better specs in the Xbox make it a better console than the PS2? Nope.
When reality sets in and cows realise that maybe a third (and I'm being generous) of their exclusives actually take full advantage of them specs, then they'll see how truely gimped their console is. Actually thats a lie, cows think the higly gimped PS3 was the best console last gen, theres no saving them :lol:
Point being, the console war will be won on software next gen (Games and OS features), not having a 41.27 percent (or whatever the hell the number is) better GPU.
I respond to posts that are worth a response. Unfortunatley 99% of your posts are garbage
ps. Most people are gonna have a PSN+ and Gold sub so its irrelevant.
Or maybe 99% of the time you have nothing to say and my point is just valid. Why support such a greedy company in M$ that is too scared to have a backbone but instead copies the sh** out of Sony haha. My posts are garbage, its pretty much known that the majority of the SW community views you of having no credibility and most your threads are just troll threads but what ever makes you feel good haha. And saying most people will have ps plus and gold, sounds like a cheap cop out to try to justify to yourself getting your wallet rap** for services that should be free haha[QUOTE="Giancar"][QUOTE="RR360DD"]Its pointless compared to Kinect. It'll get zero support just like the Move :lol:RR360DDKinect has a point? Wow :? Of course. Your closed mind probably makes it difficult to see :cool: and what is the point?
Or Sony was making a good business decision to be the better, more affordable console. It's not that Sony was scared, it's that the guys over at Microsoft are idiots.[QUOTE="Granny_Spanked"][QUOTE="RR360DD"]
Obviously it wasn't, or Sony wouldn't have decided to remove it. Maybe it wouldve been like $20 or $30 cheaper, but Sony were too scared of Microsoft to launch at such a close price.
Except its not better. It may have a slight advantage in specs, but did the better specs in the Xbox make it a better console than the PS2? Nope.
When reality sets in and cows realise that maybe a third (and I'm being generous) of their exclusives actually take full advantage of them specs, then they'll see how truely gimped their console is. Actually thats a lie, cows think the higly gimped PS3 was the best console last gen, theres no saving them :lol:
Point being, the console war will be won on software next gen (Games and OS features), not having a 41.27 percent (or whatever the hell the number is) better GPU.
Ok you completely missed the point, I'm saying the PS4 has better hardware AND it's the cheaper console. Whether we'll see a difference in multiplats has yet to be determined, but it has a better chance of having better looking exclusives than the Xbox One does. And if a console is better and cheaper? That"s a pretty significant factor in the console wars.full experience? tell me how having a camera is going to make my gameplay experience better? is having a ps eye/kinect gonna make second son or watch dogs better? oh please tell me...tell me about this evolution that im missing out I said the whole console not just the game UI,controller, maybe apps and some future games you gonna miss out on or like a person like me with kids like the whole package not just for a couple of games.[QUOTE="jsmoke03"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]if you not going to have the full experience of the console why buy it? Better graphics, because thats the only new experience you gonna see if you dont get the pseye. You might as well stay with the Ps3 it seems like you all still riding on the name and not how the console is evolving.
What games have you seen on Kinect that are worth while and none casual? Things like hand gestures and voice commands will ware thin after a while. Also The Wii and Move are superior in well needed areas. Not too many games require hands free motion gaming. Meanwhile, the touchpad is more funtional and none gimmciky (if handles properly). In reality Sony has an advantage with motion gaming and the touchpad. Persnoailly I would like to see Redsteel 3 on Move 2. I enjpyed a few Wii titles like Red Steel, Metroid and No More Heroes but usually I wanted a normal controller. That is my deal with moion gaming in general.
Nope... I genuinly trust sony not to spy on me while fapping but still ... no. Theres a reason why i take apart every new latop i get and perminantly disconnect the camera ribbon cable....
The vast majority of companies will take a mile if given an inch... cover your own arsesÂ
Making it an optional add on has killed any chance of this succeeding. Nobody will buy it Nobody will make games for it Nobody will use it in core games Its dead before it launches, well done Sony. You complain about it being mandatory with Xbox One but in doing so:- Guarantees core games will use Guarantees games will be made for it Makes it cheaper for those that want it (separately it would cost more) Shows everyone how good it is (excluding the paranoid idiots who think the NSA want to watch them in their underwear dancing to Just dance), users will try it because they have it and actually think its pretty good. It does so much everyone will like something about it. It costs more now but keeping it mandatory means in the future with price drops it will be even more better value.tdkmillsy
The focus on Kinect was motion gaming now it's hand gestures and voice commands. It shows how flawed the techmology actually is. Why do you think Ryse did a 180? Name a single game on Kinect that a core gamer would enjoy over a normal controller. I mean fully fleshed games not linear paths and dance games. The reality is there are NONE. Devs are forced to dumb down gameplay because the tech is FLAWED hence the sudden focus on hand gestures and voice commands. I know people want something new but Kinect 2.0 isn't it neither is the Wii U gamepad. The real innovation is cloud, Oculas Rift and Project Spark not this silly over hyped Kinect BS.
[QUOTE="tdkmillsy"]Making it an optional add on has killed any chance of this succeeding. Nobody will buy it Nobody will make games for it Nobody will use it in core games Its dead before it launches, well done Sony. You complain about it being mandatory with Xbox One but in doing so:- Guarantees core games will use Guarantees games will be made for it Makes it cheaper for those that want it (separately it would cost more) Shows everyone how good it is (excluding the paranoid idiots who think the NSA want to watch them in their underwear dancing to Just dance), users will try it because they have it and actually think its pretty good. It does so much everyone will like something about it. It costs more now but keeping it mandatory means in the future with price drops it will be even more better value.Blazed
The focus on Kinect was motion gaming now it's hand gestures and voice commands. It shows how flawed the techmology actually is. Why do you think Ryse did a 180? Name a single game on Kinect that a core gamer would enjoy over a normal controller. I mean fully fleshed games not linear paths and dance games. The reality is there are NONE. Devs are forced to dumb down gameplay because the tech is FLAWED hence the sudden focus on hand gestures and voice commands. I know people want something new but Kinect 2.0 isn't it neither is the Wii U gamepad. The real innovation is cloud, Oculas Rift and Project Spark not this silly over hyped Kinect BS.
I agree there is innovation in the cloud, Oculas Rift and Project Spark. Kinect 2.0 is a new piece of kit that has butt load of potential. It has removed loads of the flaws with Kinect 1.0 had and now can really be considered during the creation of all games on Xbox One. In the launch games Battlefield 4, Ghosts, Dead Rising 3 and Witcher 3 will all use it to enhance the core gameplay. Kinect Rivals (yes its delayed before some smart arse says so) uses it to put you in the game amongst other improvements. Its not about creating games just for Kinect its about creating games and entertainment for Xbox One which Kinect is a part off. There are loads of possibilities once you get over the fact its not simply a small improvement to Kinect 1.0 and its a pretty awesome piece of kit.[QUOTE="tdkmillsy"]Making it an optional add on has killed any chance of this succeeding. Nobody will buy it Nobody will make games for it Nobody will use it in core games Its dead before it launches, well done Sony. You complain about it being mandatory with Xbox One but in doing so:- Guarantees core games will use Guarantees games will be made for it Makes it cheaper for those that want it (separately it would cost more) Shows everyone how good it is (excluding the paranoid idiots who think the NSA want to watch them in their underwear dancing to Just dance), users will try it because they have it and actually think its pretty good. It does so much everyone will like something about it. It costs more now but keeping it mandatory means in the future with price drops it will be even more better value.Blazed
The focus on Kinect was motion gaming now it's hand gestures and voice commands. It shows how flawed the techmology actually is. Why do you think Ryse did a 180? Name a single game on Kinect that a core gamer would enjoy over a normal controller. I mean fully fleshed games not linear paths and dance games. The reality is there are NONE. Devs are forced to dumb down gameplay because the tech is FLAWED hence the sudden focus on hand gestures and voice commands. I know people want something new but Kinect 2.0 isn't it neither is the Wii U gamepad. The real innovation is cloud, Oculas Rift and Project Spark not this silly over hyped Kinect BS.
Well thats precisely the problem. If you wanted to make kinect integral to your gameplay, you had to focus solely on kinect owners which means you had to cater to the kinect audience. Bundling a kinect solves that issue. allowing devs to incorporate kinect without fear of isolating the vast majority of the install base.
The problem is you are asking for proof of games that cant really exist when the kinect is an add on. With such a small userbase kinect games are forced to be low budget with dumbed down gameplay if they ever hope to turn a profit.
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